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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • There’s nothing inherently valuable to YouTube other than the fact that it’s the default video hosting website because it got there first. You can find other similar websites that provide video hosting that is equivalent, just without the massive audience YouTube has. Keep in mind your argument only works for G rated content because anything that is slightly controversial, even history based content, gets demonetized and there’s an entire other website called patreon that gained popularity because YouTube wasn’t paying its content creators for their work.

    YouTube has lots of options for getting people to pay for their content. If they opt to pursue ad revenue they need to accept that a subset of their audience will use 3rd party apps to get around that. Most people don’t have ad blockers so it’s really only people smart enough to download the plugins. To me this is akin to Reddit pissing in the face of their users for the sake of maximizing profits. I get why they’re doing it, but for every trick they employ to get around ad blockers someone will come up with a workaround and I’ll just download that plugin each time.

  • RaincoatsGeorge@lemmy.ziptoTechnology@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    This is what blows my mind. Everyone keeps complaining about how terrible he is and how terrible twitter has become, but they keep fucking using it. I think if you were just using twitter to reach your audience you wouldn’t care too much what you used. I think these people know they stand to lose money and so they won’t jump ship.

    Pussies. This website has effectively drawn a line in the sand and said we are where fascist voices can unite and coordinate. If you remain on twitter even if that’s not your belief you are providing them with legitimacy and enough of a smokescreen to do what they intend to do.

    I listened to Rogan and Musk talk briefly because my curiosity got the best of me and you can tell musk has lost it. He’s full Kanye right now. You can kind of tell when someone’s fucked in the head. Their mannerisms and pacing tell the story. He’s totally off it and is going to continue to funnel millions of dollars into the hands of fascist dickheads in one way or other. Today it’s providing them with a platform. Tomorrow it’s funding politicians. He’s just up his own ass enough to do all kinds of fucked up shit because HE thinks it’s ‘what’s best for everyone’.

    The world can decide to just dump this shitdick. The sooner the better. Unfortunately a number of people are very keen on keeping things how they are and super pleased to have his stupid ass spewing their talking points.

  • For starters the decentralized nature of lemmy means no one person or group can control the narrative. An instance with good moderators can remove bad actors and there’s no good way for a large group to get a footing and spew bullshit to everyone.

    The best part is those bad actors get to still be a part of the larger picture, can still engage with each other if they choose, they just cease to have any impact on everyone else. I believe I remember reading about how when the red pill q anons moved in and got mass defederated they complained because it’s just no fun to be a troll if the only people they can talk to is each other.

    It’s why we as a global society need to swap to this platform and ditch twitter. He’s literally making it so verified accounts can set it so only other verified accounts can respond. The only idiots with blue check marks are racist conspiracy dickhead trolls. If we are going to continue to call that place the sort of global commons, we are fucked.

    Decentralized networks with strong moderation tools are the only future for the internet that isn’t a cesspool of shit. Right now big corps fear this adoption because they cease to be able to buy their way into whatever they want. I do hope one day to see lemmy and mastodon spread further and gain a true foothold, we as a species must have this if we even remotely stand a chance of not spiraling into madness.

  • Trump is not a Nazi in the sense that he’s goose stepping and wearing Hugo Boss uniforms. Trump and the right wing extremists are every bit the neocon fascists of our time. Replace the swastika with maga hats and you have exactly the same presentation leading up to Hitlers consolidation of power. The same arguments floated around then. It won’t be that bad. They’re not going to do anything to the Jews. Ok so what if they have to wear stars it’s only fair because of what they did to our economy after the Great War. So what if they are moving them to relocation camps, it was our land to begin with.

    Fascism is not a chasm you leap over, it’s a series of small steps that starts with xenophobic nationalism and ends with concentration camps. No one starts out supporting Nazis but they can be convinced to give little concessions here and there. It’s always easier to swallow in small bites.

    I knew in 2015 if he won we were in trouble. All of that has come to pass and more . If they win again we won’t have to muse about whether or not they’re Nazis, we will find out quickly. They tried their version of a stupid beer hall putsch. Next time they won’t need to because all subsequent elections will be pre-decided. Rest assured trump was never my biggest concern. It’s the people who worked to put him in power and used his presidency to gut our institutions and sell our secrets to the highest bidder. As far as I’m concerned they are the biggest threat to our democracy and the world at large.

    Lots of people tell me I’m overreacting, I need to get outside. Unfortunately I’ve been right so far about everything. I screamed it from the rooftops since 2015 and before and in spite of all the people telling me to calm down, it just keeps going exactly how we fear it will go.

  • Do I think half of them are domestic terrorists? Well debatable, but if you vote R you support domestic terrorists. Again THESE ARE THE TERMS THEY PROUDLY USE TO DESCRIBE THEMSELVES.

    What’s the adage? If 9 people sit down at a table with a Nazi how many Nazis are there? There are 10 Nazis.

    Trust me, Utah is right leaning but it’s not quite the south, the Mormon influence is it’s own monster so I don’t know that you’ve got the full picture. I do actually live in the south and know these people well. I see it everyday. This is a cult, there are die hard members and then there are a whole lot of people that hold their nose and vote and publicly support said cult. Again, if you don’t speak out against Nazis, that generally makes you a Nazi supporter by default. It’s not hard. This should be easy. These people are self proclaimed terrorists. If you support and vote for them, that makes you at the very least a terrorist enabler. We have imprisoned people for far less.

    You need to stop making excuses for them. Call them on their shit. Get angry. Anything less is handing them the keys to the kingdom. I promise you if they get power one more time they won’t have to worry about losing it ever again. If you don’t believe that then you are probablyone of the people that said trump wouldn’t be that bad and to stop overreacting. You were wrong then, you’re wrong now. Any questions?

  • Oh some of them are vile shitstains and it doesn’t matter what their status is, they’re gonna be shitstains no matter what. Look at Lee Atwater. He was one of the founding fathers of the racist shithead GOP. Only when he had terminal cancer did he do an about face, claim to have found Jesus, and repent his many sins. But when he was dead and gone and they were clearing out his things they found his bible, it was still shrink wrapped. Dude must have had a crisis of conscience and wanted to either get right with his legacy or right with the lord. Whichever the case it was self serving bullshit.

    I think that Mitt is on the more tolerable end of American fascism, but that’s not saying much. He was still instrumental in getting us here. That’s his legacy and people like me will never let the true story be altered. It’s like all the pro bush sentiment that started circulating during trumps presidency. Just because he wasn’t functionally retarded like a certain president doesn’t mean he wasn’t a war profiteering criminal.

    You have to be careful about how people try to alter the narrative. Liz Cheney is another example of this. No one should be celebrating her because she had the smallest amount of common sense. Her actions have harmed millions.

  • He’s outspoken because he knew his days were numbered and it didn’t matter anymore. It literally happens everytime a republican decides not to pursue reelection (or they have inoperable brain cancer). Suddenly they have a moral compass that was missing for decades of legislative work.

    Romney is a pussy just like the rest of them. Too little. Too late. If you helped build the colosseum you don’t get to suddenly pretend to be shocked that they are holding gladiatorial games there.