Like, I travel around for work and I’ve met plenty of people from all backgrounds.

Why is there a demographic of people who don’t seemingly bathe regularly, or at the very least wear something to cover up their BO? I could understand if it’s an allergy, or even religious reasons (though the people I’ve met that smell bad are usually you’re average American young adult man) but recently (like in the past week, recently) I’ve met a concerning number of people who don’t seem to wear any kind of deodorant or possibly don’t even bathe regularly; it’s starting to become an issue for me, as I don’t even want to interact with them when I can smell them walking up from 3+ feet away yet I need to for work.

Does anyone have any possible insight?

    11 months ago

    It’s especially weird to me that they’re so much harder on the ones who skip deodorant than the ones who skip showers. Aren’t showers what actually takes the smelly shit away instead of masking it? I wouldn’t be surprised if I found out these threads are created and/or maintained by deodorant marketing.

      11 months ago

      Pretty much my thinking. I’d rather have someone take care of personal hygiene than of their body odor. Save for a very few special cases where you really have to use deodorant, it is perfectly normal and acceptable to wash regularly and only deodorant sporadically when really necessary. I personally even prefer a person’s “natural” (not implying that natural = good) smell to no smell at all. If you want to impress, use perfume.