Yeah I agree NeoVim being extensible is wonderful, and I believe Helix has the goal of adding a plugin system. It’s also super lightweight while including a lot of these core features we see repeated in nearly every NeoVim setup, the kind of thing like LSP & Tree Sitter which shows up so often it begs the question: Should this be built into the editor.
I am also terrified of relearning all the minds after years of vim use, although a lot of the base bindings are the same or similar. I guess if I could relearn the system keyboard shortcuts when I switched OS I can do the same here.
Yeah, I won’t pretend like Neovim is perfect at all either. I do agree that setting up LSP & TreeSitter is needlessly convoluted as is. lspconfig+mason.nvim+mason-lspconfig+null-ls.nvim just to get a couple linters/formatters and decent completion… I’d love it if I could just open a file, and… it just… worked, you know.
Yeah I’m guessing that’s Helix’s approach. Maybe the bind relearning is worth it or maybe it inspires NeoVim or other Vim-like editors to come with more of the consistently repeated stuff enabled by default.
Yeah I agree NeoVim being extensible is wonderful, and I believe Helix has the goal of adding a plugin system. It’s also super lightweight while including a lot of these core features we see repeated in nearly every NeoVim setup, the kind of thing like LSP & Tree Sitter which shows up so often it begs the question: Should this be built into the editor.
I am also terrified of relearning all the minds after years of vim use, although a lot of the base bindings are the same or similar. I guess if I could relearn the system keyboard shortcuts when I switched OS I can do the same here.
Yeah, I won’t pretend like Neovim is perfect at all either. I do agree that setting up LSP & TreeSitter is needlessly convoluted as is. lspconfig+mason.nvim+mason-lspconfig+null-ls.nvim just to get a couple linters/formatters and decent completion… I’d love it if I could just open a file, and… it just… worked, you know.
That’s what config distributions like lunarvim are for
Yeah I’m guessing that’s Helix’s approach. Maybe the bind relearning is worth it or maybe it inspires NeoVim or other Vim-like editors to come with more of the consistently repeated stuff enabled by default.