• AIhasUse@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              It’s easy to go back and read this. You left the topic without responding. You made some joke about psychiatry because you couldn’t come up with anything that made sense as a rebuttal to what I said. I’m not surprised, this is par for the course when people want to try to “win” an argument without actually having anything they feel makes sense. It’s fine, you do you, I’ve said my piece and you couldn’t say yours because you haven’t found it yet.

              I’ve got my earworm in you, and maybe eventually, as you get older, you will occasionally consider it. If not you, then maybe someone who reads this. If anyone out there decides to be a bit more thoughtful in the way they live, then great. I also have been helped because I put myself in a position where maybe I would hear something intelligent that improved my stance. You failed to deliver, but that’s out of my hands, I didn’t expect much more out of you in this case since people like you always fail in this regard. Doesn’t stop me from trying, though. Maybe eventually someone in your camp will finally do something impressive.