Obviously we all want to avoid enshittified (aggressively monetized) software or at least get our money’s worth. I’m looking at self-hosting software right now and one I’m looking has a pricing page but only for cloud (no other paywalled features) and is open source. I tried looking up future plans and didn’t find much, so it doesn’t seem like it will enshittify. (not related) I had thought about switching to Omnivore for a long time but then they merged with ElevenLabs and the rest is history.
I’ve never touched bluesky but everyone on Lemmy seems to be constantly saying that there are no other instances
Nobody seems to be putting the effort into making ATProto federated apps, sadly. The main people who would do it are also the type to stubbornly stick with ActivityPub.
There are, but as long as 98% of the userbase is all on the main instance the decentralization provides little protection from the whims of corporate.
it’s basically the exact same thing as i’ve seen with IRC, people keep saying it’s decentralized and then when asked to show an example they just go “yeah well uhh obviously it’s not externally decentralized duhhh! It’s ✨internally decentralized✨” which just means they protocol makes horizontal scaling easy…