Dropped Pankapu.

While the visuals were vibrant and looked great, didn’t enjoy the game a lot. Level design was a bit annoying, In second world there were underground levels where you can only see in a circle around you, didn’t enjoy that, also, paired that with non-linear levels, you can’t easily explore without taking damage or dying. Not to mention upgrades / collectables are usually not in the main path and you don’t know which path is main path, so you can accidentally leave them behind (but can’t go back) and have to play the whole level again to collect them.

It’s not a bad game though, just not for me.

Started Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations (what a long name!), third game in the Ace Attorney trilogy pack.

Have only played the first case yet, and it was nice to see the returning faces, and some background info about Phoenix. It was also hilarious, specially when Dahlia takes the stand.

Playing Alan Wake Remastered on PS5.

I usually don’t play horror games, but loved Control and the DLCs so wanted to check it out. I am surprised to say I am loving the game. For one, it’s not actually horror, more of a psychological thriller, with some horror elements. And while enemies might suddenly jump you from the corners, there aren’t really many jump scares, if any at all.

While gameplay and story are good, the sound is great in the game. From the narration to OST, sound effects, and songs at the end of each episode.

I have some issue with the game too, but I believe that are mostly to do with the genre of the game. Like, I would hoard all the ammo and flashlight batteries, but the game, for narrative reason make me lose all of that. And it does it constantly. Though, the good thing is, it made me not hoard stuff, and use my best stuff when in a bind.

Another issue is, sometimes enemies keep coming and you just have to run to the next point, I don’t like this game design. I want to beat everything and move on ahead, but it’s not too much of an issue.

Overall, loving the game, and Remedy has entered my list of favourite studios.

Also started Paper Trail on tablet (Netflix sub).

I generally prefer not to play on mobile, but this game felt like touch controls would be perfect for it, so tried it on my tablet and am enjoying it. It’s a really nice puzzle game, where you have to fold paper to make the path for the protagonist to make it to the other side. It’s not super difficult (how many different ways can you fold a paper?) but it’s not very easy either. There were some levels which took me a while to solve.

Haven’t played too much yet, but am enjoying it so going to keep playing it.

So, what about all you? What have you been playing?

  • slimerancher@lemmy.worldOPM
    17 days ago

    I have heard of Kid Dracula, but not Kid Dracula. Didn’t know there was a NES version.

    How are you liking MH: W? I have heard there are performance issues?

    • sdcSpade@lemmy.zip
      17 days ago

      Ask me again next week. If there are issues, they’re certainly not in the wide open desert area and simple starting monsters that don’t do anything that would be taxing.