I recieved this gem of an insult for saying a guy was in the wrong for continuously cheating on his wife without attempting to divorce or separate. Its been my display name on discord ever since

  • philpo@feddit.org
    12 days ago

    Not arguing again,but technically that’s correct. The German SS was split between the “military part” (SS Verfügungsgruppe, later Waffen-SS) that were front line/fighting formations and the “Allgemeine SS” (regular SS) that was more modelled like a “executive branch”, having absorbed the German police forces, customs and having tasks like concentration camp guarding, “behind the front line work”, etc. (On the other hand this is a matter of definition,the Carabinieri are also military but also executive branch - but the definition mentioned above is the one the SS used for itself)

    Von Braun was an (voluntary and quite keen) officer of the later, so one could indeed argue that he was not part of the military (and actually the SS almost executed him for that as he leaned towards the Wehrmacht at some part).

    So…one could indeed argue he was not a military officer. Does that make him less of an asshole? Absolutely fucking not. It makes him worse. Because he voluntarily and quite happily joined the far more evil side and had other options all along - and his fellow “Allgemeine-SS” members were actually the ones who were responsible for most of the real fucked up shit the SS did (which does not mean that the Waffen-SS guys were nice, they did almost as horrible shit…comparing evils here…). So…in the end one should probably compromise on “he was a fucking asshole with a lot of blood on his hands. No matter if he was military or not.”