I don’t have a problem with cybernetic augmentation, I mostly would have a problem with the state of technology companies. I likely wouldn’t choose to get any because I would not be able to trust them. However, if I could get any sorta (relatively) basic augmentation, it would be built in headphones. Like to just be able to “hear” music and podcasts and audiobooks. My focus wouldn’t even be upgraded hearing or anything.
So do y’all have any similar quality of life augmentations you would want?
A monkeys tail! Third hand, balancing, grabbing, etc.
Some kind of general pain suppression.
You could turn it off, if you’re into that and sometimes pain let’s you know there might be a problem, but the endless agony people go through would end.
Speak any Human language
Similar to this, or perhaps in obtaining it, perfect memory recall and retention
A magnum dong to go with my magnum condoms.
I used to think a future with cyborgs would be pretty cool but personally, I’m not so hot on the idea anymore. The problem is that you would be beholden to whichever corporation or government manufactures and pays for parts. And who is to say that the support for whichever product that you’ve surgically implanted will be for life, and that you won’t end up with useless landfill electronics sewed up inside of you.
Personally I think that if AI was ever made with altruistic purposes, that could fill the role of things like complex calculations and extra memory or a log. And good Augmented Reality could fill the role of interacting directly with entertainment and blocking out the outside world. And maybe one day there would be effective ways of interacting directly with computers through electrodes or even wirelessly. Although who knows how our privacy would be invaded then. There could be literal thought police in that case.
The problem is that the tech will always come from someone else. Imagine integrating this kind of tech into your life on such a deep level and then the person in charge of over seeing and maintaining this tech turns out to be an authoritarian nazi.
You mean like our real-life situation with Neuralink and the new Nazi called Elon Musk?
Cyborg butthole
A brainchip would be amazing. But realistically no corporation should be in your head.
This would enable real life language translation, internet functions, scanning, a hud of vitals etc.
throws Shadowrun 2 street samurai catalog on table
arms. hate my current arms and could greatly benefit from sci fi ones
I would want a body pocket of at least 100 cm³, some volume controler for ears, and (personnal interest) a fully engineerable right eye
Bionic ears, mine are shit.
Hell yes. Decades of tinnitus gone? Sign me up.
I’ve thought for many years that the first true cybernetics will be artificial eyes. If they can get self contained optic systems that fit into the eyeball space, it should be trivial to allow them to see a much wider spectrum, plus macro and telephoto. That would be cool. A computer interface for them would be awesome, but I’d have trust issues with that as well.
There are already cybernetic implants. I think pacemakers count as them.
Probably so
a HUD would be cool with a bionic eyes I think, so i could ‘see’ a list of stats. temperature, barometric pressure, direction of sound origin, my to do list, personal vitals like BP and heart rate, I could go on.
that would unfortunately have the same inherent trust issues as any company that made them would surely try to phone home with that data and probably try to insert ads and shit too.
Bionic eyes, mine are shit
Same even if they only give me 20/20 vision
Immediately came here to say TAKE MY EYES! My nose can’t take much more of this spectacles bullshit.
My first thought to since my eyes suck. I’d also like some features attached like zooming, able to change eye colors, maybe see in different light spectrums.
How can your eyes suck
My mouth suck
They suck at sucking in visual info
This might sound nuts but, programmable/shifting tattoos.
Like, it could detect elevated levels of cortisol in your blood or increased heart rate and then just gently pulse or warm up to a comforting temperature as a way calm you down or remind you to breathe. Or light up like a custom RGB keyboard, or change colors/holographic effects depending on time of day. Anything really.
Octopus skin. Neat.
I really want a tattoo but hate commitment so I’m holding out for e-ink tats being invented in my lifetime 🤞
A tattoo that works like a sign on the forehead that says “warning: grumpy” that lights up accordingly, would be useful for all of society in my opinion.
Cyber eyes. I have thick glasses and a lot of floaters, so many that I cannot even tell if my glasses are clean or not most of the time.
But naturally they’d need to look natural and be with zoom, infrared, night vision, a camera function and a video playing function (no wireless functions though).