Yes, Google is an inextricably linked to all Google TV issues, but they didn’t force Nvidia to ruin the Shield TV’S launcher with ads, and other bloat.
At least, not as far as I know. If you have sources saying otherwise, I’d be happy to take a look.
Fuck me. You might be right, as I haven’t actually used the stock launcher since the big ad update years back.
I just remembered my original launcher having a lot of a Nvidia specific integrations, but I guess those could have just been bolted on at the system level.
That’s not Nvidia, that’s Google.
Yes, Google is an inextricably linked to all Google TV issues, but they didn’t force Nvidia to ruin the Shield TV’S launcher with ads, and other bloat.
At least, not as far as I know. If you have sources saying otherwise, I’d be happy to take a look.
The “Shield’s launcher” is just Android TV… Nvidia did not write their own Android launcher just for this device.
Fuck me. You might be right, as I haven’t actually used the stock launcher since the big ad update years back.
I just remembered my original launcher having a lot of a Nvidia specific integrations, but I guess those could have just been bolted on at the system level.