Gross. How can you even enjoy sex when you essentially bought someone’s consent?
Support prostitutes by means other than being a John. Do a Holden Caulfield if you like and pay for their time to just hang out, idk. The John is instinsically in a position of power by using money to be entitled to sex, and is part of the social violence of coercing desperate people into dangerous and frequently traumatizing* labor.
*look up ptsd rates
I don’t see a problem with it as long as no trafficking is involved.
I agree with this. I have found that most women do not however. It has been a great trouble for me, to talk about, when trying to find a new partner.
You should definitely bring this up as often as possible. Enjoying coerced intimacy is totally well adjusted behavior.
Why do you hate sex workers?
real big-brain take
Since it’s safe to assume you don’t talk to people in real life, here’s a mass of “reviews” of sex workers. People who buy sex are disgusting.
The problem is exploitation which can and does happen in every industry. Sex work is no exception to that rule. Nobody is saying amazon needs to be abolished because of how they treat their workers. But some people see one industry or another as being inherently exploitative.
Nobody is saying amazon needs to be abolished because of how they treat their workers
i am saying that
My opinion on them is the same as whatever opinion the sex workers have on them
If you support the sex workers, this is the main answer. If you like them but not their clients how is that supposed to work economically?
If you like them but not their clients how is that supposed to work economically?
The Nordic or neo-abolitionist model exists. Sweden was the first nation to implement it I think. Selling sex is legal, buying is not. Seems to work for them
You’ve got that backwards. In Sweden, buying is illegal, selling is not. Essentially turning the customer into a rapist and the seller into a victim. And rightly so! Considering that most women selling sex are doing so because of human trafficking, or at least coercion or desperation, it’s cruel, immoral, and ironic that they are criminalized in the rest of the world outside of Sweden and the other countries that have followed their model.
Men who pay for sex are the driving force behind human trafficking.
I think you are agreeing with the post above yours. They said that selling sex is legal, while buying is not.
No judgement. BUT. I have slightly less of an opinion of those who do it when visiting a foreign country. Like a number of other things (such as gambling) I don’t quite like the idea of a city having their citizens relying on sex tourism for sustainability, which by itself is whatever. But mixing that with the concept of fetishizing other races makes it icky. I can’t imagine a man with “class” doing it.
You are ignoring the very important element of poverty. The prostitutes in these countries (SE Asia, historically Eastern Europe) are typically desperately poor and these tourists are burning money on leveraging the wealth they have from the imperial core to basically use these people as slaves, typically with few words that even could be spoken between then and no recourse for the prostitute if the john gets violent (what is she going to do, tell the cops that she was assaulted by the westerner she was prostituting for? Whose side would they take?)
Logically, if it’s two consenting adults, why not?
Personally, fucking ew.
Overall, if you are single, you do you! If you have someone waiting at home, go fuckin sort yourself, never be a cheater.