Yo [he/him]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Heyy, I’m too in the process of moving from windows (10) to debian :) (though I’m very new to linux, but not new to open source software)

    I was surprised that notepad++ didnt have native support for linux and while I tried many stuff, indeed I couldnt find a real replacement. I have kinda concluded that I will either use bottles with wine to run notepad++ (takes around half a minute to open) or use Geany and try to customize it as much as I can. (There are also Notepadqq which is kinda dead and NotepadNext which is still in very early stage.) I’ll probably go with Geany and chech on NotepadNext if it evers becomes good enough.

    I had a recent post about running windows stuff on linux and people gave me some good advice here: https://mander.xyz/post/18701186

    Edit: I just found Textadept, might check it later (found it from a comment under this video).

  • Oh, I forgot to mention, I have intel cpu and amd gpu, I will edit it above.

    I am using plasma kde with wayland. I will check pipewire later too probably.

    Thank you for the text editor suggestions :) I have found geany as an alternative, but it has some limitations (multi-window support isnt very good), but notepad++ on bottles opens slowly, so I want to avoid it too. (I also thought about emacs and nvim, but they are kinda scary and probably not for me.)

    As I said in another comment, I will probably try once more to convert to prism.

    Hmm, about proton-ge on lutris, for me lutris only shows wine-ge-proton and lutris versions of wine. Should I install it manually or something?

    Lastly, thanks for the guide! I hadnt found that one.

  • I ~never did and I think it’s a combination of various reasons:

    1. I’m kinda shy (internally I might use a more offensive language, but I might even censor that too). And the fact that I’m not using such language for so long makes it more awkward to use it now.

    2. In my family we probably use less vulgar laguange than the typical one, so I wasnt exposed that much on it (on the contrary, I was exposed to way more uncensored content on the internet and that may be why some vulgar phrases in English seem more natural/normal, while the same ones translated in Greek (my mother language) seem more offensive.

    3. Many times I find it unecessary. I think they’re better used when you’re angry and help you let some steam out, rather than using them in a calm conversation with friends for example (though when others people use them even on me in a friendly way I kinda seem to like it for some reason? I might think we’re close so they feel confident to talk to ke that way?)

    4. Maybe it’s just one of my quirks, lol. I might just do it, for not much reason.

    5. I find many (not all!) of the vulgar phrases to discriminate minorities and people in general. I really dont want to use such words. I dont want to cause harm to innocent people just because I got angry.

    I could probably think more if I spent more time thinking, hm

    Did the decision bring any change to your life ?

    As I said, I dont think I ever used such language, so I dont think there’s a change to talk about. Just some people might notice it and possibly comment about it (usually in good faith?)

    Do you feel the decision stopped you from expressing something at some point ?

    Kinda yes, sometimes I’m in a bad situation and kinda want to, but I dont want those conditions to “break” me. This might not make much sense tho.🤷

  • I think I’m bad at this

    I have 4 main places I put stuff:

    • My 2018 external 4tb WD HDD (filled up at around ¾)

    • My 1tb laptop ssd

    • My 256gb phone

    • My laptop’s previous 2016 1tb hdd

    On my external drive I put ~all of my data; my camera files, my screenshots, my phone’s app data (like expenses, call logs, contacts, sms, game data, fitness logs), documents etc.

    On my laptop I have some stuff which I havent synced to my external drive for around 3 years (oops), but they probably arent the most important stuff.

    On my phone I have a lot of important stuff, like around ⅔ of my total camera files (I try to keep the most important ones) and my app data.

    On my old laptop’s 1tb hdd I keep movies/series and personal books/notebooks I have scanned. Those data dont exist anywhere else. If they get lost, especially the scanned books, it’s gonna be bad, because it both took a lot of time to scan them and I have thrown away many of the physical books.

    If my external drive fails, around ¼ of the data it contains might be unrecoverable. They might not be the most important files, but still it’s gonna hurt a loooot.

    I’m currently in the process of reorganizing my files on my laptop and my external drive for various reasons, some of them being 1) I will clear unnecessary/duplicate/temporary/etc files (which will reduce the used space) and 2) it will help me sync my files better.

    In the near future I’ll probably buy 500gb lifetime on filen.io (cloud storage) to keep the most important stuff, possibly another 4tb drive to mirror my current one to this and ~hopefully I’ll make a nas next year to sync everything there.

    It’s just to expensive for me tho🫤. Filen storage is around 100€, 4tb another 100€ (or I might buy 6tb at 150€) and the nas I want to make costs around 800€…

    I want to make a nas to both store and stream stuff. Like a personal home server. I’m thinking of getting 2 12tb hdds and have one of two asynchronously mirror itself onto the other (that way one of the two will be off/disconnected ~most of the time, protecting it from wear and cyber attacks (not sure of the latter will work)).

  • Ok, I did some tests:

    1. For some reason, many mobile apps (like Gramophone, or Symphony which I use) cant read the tags properly.

      a) Both apps cant separate tags that use \\ as separator for some reason. Gramophone doesnt have an option to choose a tag separator. Symphony has an option, but doesnt work with \\. (To fix this you have some options; What I do is have a separate cloned compressed .opus music collection that uses ; as separator and to do this I use mp3tag and fre:ac. You can do this in the future.)

      b) Both apps in the Year tag expect to only see 4 digits (of the year). We have set deemix to store the whole date in that tag, so they fail to read it. You can either go in deemix to settings, under date format for flac files and choose YYYY (which loses accuracy) or use mp3tag and manipulate the tags so that you have both the year and the date in separate fields. Another option is to use Phonograph plus which can read properly the whole date.

      c) Apparently, no (open source) mobile app can read tags separated by \\ properly and as a result, they either combine all the tags into one (they might read the genre tags Glam Rock and Punk Rock as a single genre Glam Rock\\Punk Rock) or they read only the first of the tag (on our previous example they would read only one genre Glam Rock). I think Vlc does the latter. It’s frustrating, I know…

    2. As long as the .lrc file has the same name as the .flac file and they are in the same folder, the app should be able to read the lrc file as the lyrics of the flac file. (Though if there’s anything wrong in the way the contents of the .lrc file are structured, it might have a hard time reading it.)