I mean. I would never do something like this. And I don’t condone it. But people are free to do with their lives what they want. We have guns to fight tyranny.
I mean. I would never do something like this. And I don’t condone it. But people are free to do with their lives what they want. We have guns to fight tyranny.
Just the thought of doing it is terrorism. Honestly.
I’m here to help the place grow. Let’s do it!
Use the add on Nuke Reddit History. They banned a few of my old accounts after I used it. They hate it.
I for sure don’t want another /The_Donald.
Good. Welcome to the new home. It feels like Reddit 2009.
Fuckkkkkkk Reddit. It’s killing itself off.
Correct. You were offered 1000-5000 shares depending on your accounts celebrity status at the strike price of $34. This was the same buy in price on Robinhood. As someone who was at Reddit from 2009 on. I could t believe I was banned for a joke I made hundreds of times in the past. Bros old. When’s he going to broke?
If you sold today. Still a 30,000$ investment would be worth nearly a million.
They made the offer to specific long term accounts pre-ipo. No different than with Robinhood pre ipo access.
Missed numbers. But the overall market is tanking.
Long term and popular accounts were offered stock options. I missed it because I was banned. I had millions of upvotes on that account. Very popular.
Remember what killed Digg? Sarah Palin super users getting Republican content to the top of Digg. That will just kill Reddit off sooner.
I lost my 14 year old Reddit mod account. That modded a million plus subreddit. Because I made a joke that McConnell was close to death. Which he is. But they banned me before having to offer me stock options. Cunts.
Me too! I was like. Who is this brother? How have we not met him!
Israeli’s acting like genocidal psychopaths does nothing for Jewish safety. Just sayin. It could start at home.
When I saw this title. I thought another YouTube hardware advocate turned their back on Louis and started an anti-consumer group to fight off policy debate that Louis does. My brain is wild.
I too watched Louis Rossman’s YouTube video to author.
Never heard of soldiers in the USA rape and murder elderly women in conflict zones. Orks are named so for a reason. They are monsters.
One of my old burner accounts was banned. Because I said we should throw shit at Reddit HQ. Go walk your dog and save a wet one. Then take a walk by the office.