
Discord: discrdhater

  • 3 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 1st, 2024


  • I honestly genuinely wish social values and economic values wouldn’t be so inseparable for some people. Social issues can be worked on long term. By denying less than perfect people access into communism spaces, communism suffers. I am gay and intersex. I experienced shit from both right wing and left wing people. I’d rather have someone who is currently socially backwards (such people can and frequently do grow as a person over time) who supports communism rather than have said person being pushed away from communism, because they aren’t as socially progressive as someone demands them to be. The vast majority of population aren’t. Sorry for tinfoil, but sometimes I feel like people who require very rigid social views to just exist within communist spaces are a mole set up to dismantle communism from within.

    Most if not all trans people I met are themselves displaying traditional gender roles, so I don’t get why people use a strawman of trans people being against gender roles. Many trans people find gender roles validating. Unless you think they break gender roles because you don’t see them as their gender, but rather as very gender nonconforming people of their birth sex, then I see why’d you receive negative pushback. I myself don’t get gender at all, and I’m still not understanding if it means I’m agender or else.