Red Army Dog Cooper

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2022


  • Infristructure was in the works before he was elected, and was famously kneecapped split multiple times with a promise he would only sign one if both haves come, but then left the one with the key climate and public works funding to dry

    Oh wow Inflation really has been reduced… I will remember that when I am trying to understand how my grocery bill keeps going up

    The Afgan treaty was signed under trump, his only imput was how to manage it, a thing that most observers would say was bad

    Ukraine is a bunch of Nazis I would not call that bad

    This is not the first ever tax, at best he is re instituting one but 1 point

    CHIPS act is needless protectionism and sabr rattling about china

    Judge apointments, while we have a supreme court that just ignore, also every president does judge apointments and he is behind target

    he did not get the cap, he is the president I do not care about his campane

    The US is not a comand economy sadly, he does not have anything to do with jobs

    I am sorry he busted the picket of the railroad workers he cannot gain a SINGLE point on union rights

    He started then he was told “Actualy would you not” and backed down nothing forgiven outside of normal workfare corses

    Who fucking cares about the stock market, also president does not directly control that

    He is funding and aiding the genocide in Isn’treal

    Has not even made a move to fill the under full USPS board of governors, let alone doing that to put a PMG who does not have a vested intrest in destorying the USPS

    That timeline is too late, not enough teeth, and he does not push back when companies say “we just cannot do it”

    Red flag laws do not do anything, there is no fix to the systemic issues of gun violance, the US is not the higest rates of gun ownership in the world yet we top gun violance

    Yet no decrease in police excessive force, this has been little more than lip service

    Agian, president cannot control the job market

    nato is an Imperalist project and bad for the world

    in 4 years you named 1 good thing, congratulations

  • First Interesting topic to not answer a single question I asked you.

    Um lets start here, “As a Socialist … the only arguments I get in are with Communists and Anarchists” You split up the idea of Socialist and Communist, There that is for all practical purposes a Distinction without a difference, Redflag number 1.

    Second your entire threat on Lemmygrad’s Shit Reactionaries say, first with a passionate defence of Biden , because a 2 party system, There is no diffrence between the parties, and generaly Socialists do not Endorse Biden, as he is a war criminal genocidal manach who does not care for the worker. Also all the benifits you listed, he is not doing- When someone tried to explain to you how it was rediculous you mocked them with a “call biden and demand things” and when someone else tried to explain you asked for a “Realistic solution” no understanding of what is being said.- In another explination, you said you could not read a post of that size and they only wanted to mock you, then when a shorter version was given you blocked them for being mean

    You have quite a few posts on trump being Uniquly bad, he is not as I said before he is not significantly worse than Biden or really any other polition.

    Lots of mentioning of voting like it changes anything

    You have a post saying “as a socialist american I am jellious” when talking about healthcare, with the previously mentioned I think your understanding of socialism is that its healthcare, agian You would be better discribed as a Social Democrat

    From this point I could for most of these look past them, or say its because you are new and need to learn, except with the second point you refuse to learn. By this point I am only a week back on your comments, and I look at the mod log

    If we look at the modlog you have been banned from a comunity for saying that both sides of the Isn’treal genocide campan are bad and palistine is doing this for revenge, without any sort of historical understanding of the conflict

    Called the Ukrane Russia conflict a holly war, I mean, one side is fighting to stop imperal expantion on its boarder (Russia) and the other is mostly Nazis who are doing a genocide (Ukraine)

    Calling the PRESIDENT OF CHINA Pooh, This is 1) racist and 2) the PRC is a socialist nation, you can disagree with them but like, not be a total racist

    And this is how I am concluding you are not a Socialist, I am sorry if this is too long for you and you refuse to read it, I did only stop after 7 days.

    Look at its heart I agree with Dr.Che, If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine. Not only by your words, and I assume actions though I do not know you in real life, not a socialist, by the Standards set by the good doctor, that I also use, you are not a comrade of mine

  • Dude I have looked through your “Overview” you are not a socialist, a social democrat at best.

    Also there is no real and practical difrence between Socialist and Communist, there are some very fun nit-picky definitions, but generally they are interchangeable.

    Also few quick tests. Thoughts on Isn’treal Thoughts on the USSR Thoughts on the GDR Thoughts on the PRC Thoughts on Cuba Thoughts on Biden