College Prof in the US, focus areas are Human-Computer Interaction, Cybersecurity, and Machine Learning

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • “We choose to go to the moon and do the other things not because they are easy, but because they are hard. This is just one of those other things.” - My dad quoting JFK at me to get me to do the dishes as a teenager. I don’t think he would remember even saying that to me, but has always stuck with me. Something said about something so monumental being applied to something so benign. But that wasn’t the point, because it was hard for me.

  • I was really active in that sub at the time. Fox or CNN or something contacted the moderators about an interview. The mods discussed it and decided to decline. IIRC, they later made a post about not accepting interviews until they felt they were more ready to present clear goals, and maybe pull someone from the community to be a “official” spokesperson.

    Then a mod went rogue and did the now infamous Fox interview. That was bad, but recoverable. It was further shenanigans by the moderators in the immediate aftermath that caused the schism into work_reform. Before my exodus from reddit, I followed that community closely, but never got as involved. At the time, I remember thinking that the mods felt more reasonable than in antiwork, but that quickly changed too. Eventually they effectively became mirror subs.

    Then RIF got shut down and someone told me about this lemmy federation where I could post about all the gay space communism and fringe technology I wanted. I think that I am happier now overall.

  • “I wish my cancer riddled grandmother wasn’t suffering.”

    “Well, you could always just kill her! Then she would feel anything!”


    Even more so, I didn’t even disagree or say that they were wrong. Just that I’d prefer not to do that because, along with my grandmother not suffering, I also want her to be alive. Contrary to popular belief, humans are capable of wanting multiple things at the same time. Have you ever been thirsty while you had to pee?

  • IANAL either, but I’m pretty sure you are correct. I put it in another comment somewhere, but I’m more upset about not being given a choice to refuse the change rather than the actual change itself. I don’t mind signing the waiver at amusement parks, or to buy a car with no warranty. I just want to know what I’m agreeing to, and I don’t like folks pulling the rug out from under me or changing the deal.

    The situation feels like if I were to drop out of college, I would be given electroshocks until I’d forgotten anything learned in class.

  • IKR? I’ve been pretty happy with their service up until now. Sure, the home menu ads were certainly annoying, but were easily ignoreable and didn’t interfere with normal use of the TV.

    It’s weird, I don’t mind waiving rights when I know what I’m in for. (I’ll sign the release form when I do something inherently dangerous.) However, I don’t like having the deal changed out from under me, and I certainly don’t like not being given a choice. I should have had the ability to hit decline, then forfeit my right to access roku on-demand services and maybe even firmware updates. But, whatever I had installed and working with 3rd party services shouldn’t be affected. They shouldn’t be allowed to disable the hardware. Honestly, and I mean speaking from the heart here, I probably would have just clicked OK without much thought about it if they’d at least included the disagree button.