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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I don’t think this article is really “pro reddit” tbh. The headline says Reddit won, but the copy adds context to that. Reddit was always going to outlast the protests. I can’t imagine anyone was delusional enough to think otherwise. But like the article says, Huffman lost most of the other gambles in terms of post quality, public opinion, and there’s still 1800+ subs of varying sizes dark.

    Short term ad traffic is the win he needs on paper, but the press hasn’t been favorable overall and user engagement is high if you consider edgy teenagers making the front page with nonsense because all the decent mods have quit as consistent engagement.

  • Same. And I don’t like to admit it, but I was a “power user”. When Bacon Reader went dark, I never went back. Like others have pointed out, Reddit was always going to “win” the protest, even with over 1800 subs still out. But the platform’s frontpage quality is in the tank. Google doesn’t want to list Reddit at the top of search results anymore. The corporate failure to retain money making accounts made national news. Huffman completely missed the investment boat, and although the site itself is still generating traffic, the raised interest rates and lack of ROI for the unpopular changes spells out nothing but a slow death rattle.

    And, lmao, anyone that publicly announces they’re following the “Musk Model” for social media platform leadership is clearly a fucking dipshit doomed to drive their site into the ground.

  • Dumping Twitter, to start. We’ve been able to finally get our client to try some new things using IG reels and YT shorts. We’ve also been able to grab their ear about Reddit, Lemmy, and Mastodon. While they’re not fully onboard yet with federated platforms, they’re interested, which is a huge step. We’ve also been pitching more proactive content and getting more support on strategy shifts to have a more conversational back-and-forth with the client’s audience. They used to prefer to get people off open comments and into private DMs. We have been pushing them to be more transparent and human with their direct engagement.

  • I’d argue the opposite. People have been fed up with the mainstream platforms for a long time now. Now that we know how social media grew grassroots terrorism and that the platforms allowed it for ad clicks, I’d say it’s a good time to pivot away from the traditional models of the last 15-20 years, move away from the Facebooks and Twitters, and try something new.

    Professionally, I lead a team of digital artists and oversee digital marketing efforts for a government client. The chaos and burning out of Twitter and Reddit has been a great time for my team as we’ve finally been given the latitude to do new work and build new strategies instead of just doing the same bullshit over and over. I’ve started enjoying work again and my team has been energized because everyday there’s something new to overcome. And because the social media ecosystem is so turbulent, it’s actually removing the pressure from us because our client understands that we are operating in new territory. Essentially, we are being allowed to fail in the pursuit of innovation.

    I’m pumped to be a part of this evolving shift. There’s so much potential. Also, I’m selfishly enjoying watching these fucking assholes like Musk flail and burn through billions of dollars as a result of their hubris.

  • 👽🍻👽@lemmy.worldtoReddit@lemmy.worldPlace 01:40 CEST
    1 year ago

    People that keep making this dumbass “engagement” claim have no goddamn idea what they’re talking about. Nobody is falling for jack shit. The “engagement” of people going on to place to troll is miniscule. Like you said, half of us aren’t looking at this on Reddit. It’s being broadcast everywhere else and the tech outlets that an investor will see are reading about how much the user base fucking hates the product.

  • People in the Reddit top decided that they would run places again off-schedule. Best guess is someone thought that it would be good marketing for the coming IPO to show that Reddit is still functional with lively communities.

    Any idiot could have seen what would actually happen coming a mile away. The only people who participated in r/place before are people who are now completely anti-reddit at the most and royally pissed at the admins at the least.

  • That’s how they got me as well. Lowest priced plus on sale. Reviews were mostly fine for the trimmer itself. Most people seemed to have more issues with the customer service, which, that’s pretty standard for many companies these days. I was tired of constantly having to fix the name brand gas weed eater I had, so I picked up one of the battery powered Ryobi models. It works…fine lol. Battery could last longer. Otherwise it does exactly what it says it does on the box. I’ve never had a problem with it. My other handful of Ryobi tools are in that camp. Kinda cheap feeling but seem to work as advertised.

    The only one that was shit is the drill. I have a low-end black and decker drill that has lasted me about ten years. The Ryobi I got maybe hit three.

    I’ll tell you though, the best tool I own is my Scott manual push mower. Picked it up for $99 and I’ve never had an issues and it still cuts like it did when I bought it four years ago. A little WD40 in the spring after pulling it out of shed hibernation and off to cut.

  • Has a lot to do with age demographics and the inability for Meta to allow a person to easily delete their page. Many if not most millennials have a Facebook page, but like myself, never use it and when asked if I have a Facebook, say no even though I technically have a one I don’t log in to.

    Anecdotally, most of the people I know over the age of 45 have a Facebook and use it regularly. I don’t know very many zoomers, but the few sub-30 year olds I do know, never even made a Facebook account, but do use Instagram.

  • Yep. That was the organization exodus for my last job. Without any warning or planning, a state government agency, demanded everyone come back first week June 2021 when not a single other state office was even considering it. It was way out of left field and threatened to completely fuck up many people’s lives and there was a mass exodus. Staff left agency wide. I think it was somewhere around 300 employees of a several thousand. Which may not seem like that much, but when 300 people quit in one agency over the course of two weeks, it’s extremely noticable lol. The leadership at the top got berated publicly by the governor and they had to reverse course to stop people from leaving. But hey, I got a promotion, a huge raise, and got to demand my telework schedule because I instantly became more important hahaha.

    The next exodus was my specific division. The deputy director we all liked and the media relations manager we all liked were fired out of nowhere by the same agency leadership that fucked up in the telework debacle. They placed their own drones in the two spots and it absolutely decimated morale. Not to mention the stool pigeons they selected are two of the most incompetent people I’ve ever had the displeasure of working with. I took a high-paying job with a federal contractor and bounced. Four people left in the few months following. They hired new people, two of which left within three months. I still talk to the social media manager who’s still there and she fills me in on all the bullshit they’re continuing with. Out of a public affairs division of 14 people, there’s only six still there that were there when I left last September.

  • Ya. That is a large part (not the only reason) of why Huffman gambled and lost on killing 3rd party apps. People using Apollo, or any other app that wasn’t the trash official app, weren’t getting ads at all or were giving their ad dollars to a third party. By killing third party apps, that forces anyone who actually wants to use Reddit to use the official suck ass app or the garbage desktop site which also had alt options that used the API. When users are funneled into only using official Reddit products, that means they’re only consuming ads that Reddit makes a profit from.

    I used Bacon Reader for almost ten years. It didn’t have ads for half a decade and when ads did come, it was a non intrusive banner ad at the bottom. The Reddit app is riddled with obstructive ads. So is the website unless using an ad blocker. Reddit when used the way the admins want, is just one ass blast of shitty ads.