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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • The FSF’s stance is just based on our current capabilities. Most people still use proprietary operating systems. We are capable of developing free alternatives of non-free programs, even very complicated ones. But it’s not realistic to think that we can currently replace all firmware for any device if we don’t know how it works. The amount of products that have the RYF certificate is already very small. Even Librem 5 didn’t manage to get it. When it becomes easier, I’m sure they will change the requirements or add more levels.

    I’m pretty sure Libreboot contains proprietary firmware now and GNU is planning to develop an actually libre fork. So it’s silly for the developer to criticize the FSF for not being radical enough. It makes me think that the person doesn’t really believe in what they are saying.

    But then the author says they want us to have proprietary firmware packages in our systems. So they want our OSes to be less libre… They even compare not including proprietary firmware to burning books… I stopped reading after that.

  • So, yeah, sell me on Linux, please.

    Windows has spyware, so that should be enough reason to not use it for someone like you. You will have to spend some time to learn GNU/Linux, but for most office tasks it shouldn’t be difficult, especially if you are good with computers. Most popular distros already come with a PDF viewer and Libre Office, so it should be able to do almost everything you want out of the box. VLC player can play all common video types and is easy to install. Libre Office might have issues with some Word documents though, so you might need to look into that. A web browser (usually Firefox) and probably some email client will be preinstalled as well.

    You might need to check if your printer and scanner will be supported out of the box or if extra drivers from the manufacturer are needed (then check if they are available on their website). I think printers will probably work fine out of the box, but scanners might require extra drivers (this depends on the model - there are models that don’t).

    If you need more motivation, look into the Free Software movement: https://youtu.be/Ag1AKIl_2GM

  • I would venture that the majority of people see it as an investment of one sort or another. I think the insane market cap, and the devestating effect the recent crash had on its reputation and use, are evidence of that.

    You are right, but it doesn’t matter what most people think. I mean we should educate them about it, but their opinion is irrelevant.

    Most cryptos have fundamental problems that I don’t see being fixed, eg it’s deflationary properties, BTC’s wasteful PoW, ETH skirting/crossing the boundary of being a security, etc.

    Etherum has already switched from proof of work algorithm to less wasteful proof of stake. So it seems that at least that problem can be solved.

    This is like the one thing they are good for, and Monero is the best at it. This is an arguable point though, others may say that this is a negative due to the implications and governments have cracked down on privacy enhancing tools like Tornado Cash for this reason. I personally value privacy to an extent, but do not see the need in my life to use Monero. I certainly wouldn’t fault you for using it, though.

    You should be able to buy any of the popular cryptocurrencies anonymously. They won’t make your payment history private like Monero does, but you will still be anonymous when paying.

    I think adoption has stagnated. And look at El Salvador, they basically had to force crypto on the populace and they use their own proprietary wallet, nullifying privacy benefits. And again, it is treated as an investment by the government there who are buying BTC to speculate.

    I don’t know exact stats, but it’s bigger than I expected before I started looking into it. There are a lot of crypto ATMs now in cities, which you can see at https://coinatmradar.com. There are also some stores and restaurants that accept crypto, especially in the US (https://coinmap.org/view). You can also find some online services on https://cryptwerk.com. El Salvador is certainly messed up. Bitcoin probably isn’t even a good choice, because of its big transaction fees. Other cryptocurrencies are faster, can handle more transactions and have smaller fees.

    Yeh this is dependant on your country. Here in Australia every crypto transaction is a capital gains event 🙄

    Damn, that’s crazy. So you can’t even buy something without paying an extra tax?

  • Sure, both of which are more straightforwardly useful tools for financial crimes than a phone is, and less generally useful for other purposes.

    I guess phones are better for spying people.

    Good for you? But many, many people are getting scammed…some directly through the technology itself.

    Technology doesn’t scam people, it’s not alive. People get scammed in all areas of life, regardless of technology they use. It’s ridiculous that I have to explain this again.

    Crypto is so popular and useful for criming that ransomware is practically a first order use case for it.

    I doubt it, but it’s irrelevant. Criminals use many things that ordinary people also use.

    I guess? Makes it pretty useless as a payment method then.

    Not really. There is a difference between giving someone your money vs paying for a service. But you know this. It’s silly that you keep saying things like that. It just makes you look stupid or dishonest. There are many real things you could criticize about cryptocurrency and I would agree with you on many of them. There is no need to make stuff up.

    My first advice would be to not exchange dollars you need for digital junk that may become worthless, stolen, or forgotten.

    Right, only cryptocurrency could become worthless, stolen or forgotten. Paper junk can’t.