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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 8th, 2024

  • As a resident in a pretty rural area you might want to avoid moving to rural areas due to increased cancer rates due to pesticide use and poor water conditions. But don’t you worry about our poor corporations that are wrecking shit, our lovely governer passed legislation that prevents people from suing them. though her and the corporations assure us there is nothing to worry about. They pinky sweared and everything.

  • Generally an Unpopular opinion

    You’re 100% correct though. Sponsors are exactly (long) ads and I have no personal problem skipping them after paying $17 a month for premium. If a creator has a problem with that they should take it up with Google. I’m paying for ad free, and that’s what I expect.

    If sponsorblock breaks I will be reevaluating my premium sub. Not that it will have a meaningful impact on Google or anything, but I’m just fucking sick of ads and am not going to pay to remove them and still get ads delivered to me.

  • Maybe. In the past they have always been able to rely on their dominance in the PC market. With consumers shifting away from this, I don’t think it’s so straight forward and in other emerging markets like AI they are way behind.

    At least they are finally putting actual money into R&D. This article was a really good read. Will be interesting to see how and if Intels investments pay off.

  • If you have a Samsung phone you can try something similar now called secure folder. Search in your options to create. Then you can install apps in there and all the apps and data are sandboxed from the rest of your phone. You can’t access the data from the main phone and apps in the secure folder don’t have access to your main phone.

    I have one setup for my banking app and other apps I would prefer to be private. Have to enter a password to get access to that area and it is encrypted when locked. It works real well.

  • Unfortunately, I have both the headphones and the ear buds and I think the cans isolate noise better than the buds. It could be a problem due to a bad fit though. With the buds I could not get a decent fit with the foam tips so ended up getting some tips on Amazon so I lose a little noise isolation there. The size of the buds for the xm5 isn’t the greatest for me either so THAT doesn’t help - I get a little bit of slipping while eating for example. All said, I still think the xm5 does OKAY, but my link buds surpass it due to a better fit.

    The bose might have an overall edge imo going by their reputation of having a good and comfortable fit. My brother has a pair and says they fit real well. I just can’t do the bose because the case is too large for me to carry in my pockets (even the newest model is rather large. The last generation was ridiculous - Bose is kind of crazy with their cases).

    I would make sure you buy a pair from a store with a good return policy so if the fit does not work well for you you can exchange for something else. Everyone’s ears are different so there is no way to say how it will fit for you till you try them on.