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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023


  • Secondly, you’re literally asking for a final version of something without any sort of human testing involved. Can you name a single medical device, ever, which has had exactly 1 version, no updates, and went through 0 human trials before completion?

    That’s what the animal trials were supposed to be for. You know what happened to them? They died. They didn’t even wait for the chip to be successful in apes before putting it in a human. If you don’t understand why that’s fucked up, I can’t help you.

  • We don’t “force” them to do it. This is repeatedly established to be something they enjoy doing. BW even has this as a plot point: N, a young man who is somehow able to understand Pokémon, is initially of the same point of view as you. To his astonishment, most Pokémon outright refuse to abandon their trainers. At first he chalks this up to some form of brainwashing, but over the course of the game he comes to realize that their desires to train and become stronger are in fact genuine. He ultimately decides it isn’t right for him to decide what they want for them, and spends the sequel targeting abusive trainers exclusively as opposed to tearing down the institution of Pokémon training in it’s entirety. >!There’s also some stuff about a bigger big bad grooming him to be the face of Team Plasma while he controls the group from the shadows, complete with strongly implied child abuse. Oh, and the reason the bigger bad wants to “liberate” Pokémon to begin with is so that no trainer can oppose his own team when he goes for world domination. You know, typical RPG stuff!<

  • Lol wat are you talking about? The amount of extractable resources on the moon itself are enough to sustain a thousand humanities

    Do you have any idea how much it costs to get to and from the goddamn moon?! There’s the reason we don’t exactly make a regular thing about it. The costs are astronomical, pun very much intended.

    The only thing that gets “used up” is energy

    I’m not exactly a physicist, but if you’ve suddenly solved the problem of entropy then you should contact one and claim your Nobel prize. I’ll wait.

    But in short, other sources of entertainment + an anti natalist culture + longer lifespans + deviation from the traditional monogamous two partner model would end up lessening the need for having kids.

    You’re making a lot of assumptions about how how society will develop.

    The bourgeoisie are evil, sure. Doesn’t mean that they are stupid enough to act against their own interests.


  • We already have enough resources to get us into post scarcity

    No. No we don’t. This is straight delusional levels of optimism on display here. The universe is entropic by nature. Things get used up. Barring some form of miracle tech we can’t even conceive of yet, it is not possible for us to have an infinite amount of anything.

    However, not implementing UBI would be bad for the billionaire class.

    That’s the thing though. They aren’t smart. We have seen time and time again that they would cut off their nose to spite their face. Why would this be any different?

  • When did I say that it would be a silver bullet?

    Right in your first paragraph. You straight up said that AI would lead to a post scarcity future “within a few decades”. Your words, not mine.

    The rest of it

    Okay, but still doesn’t explain how we make that leap. All of us losing our jobs will not suddenly generate infinite amounts of food and resources. What’s more, you seem to have a lot of confidence in the " inevitability " of UBI. There are already decades of propaganda demonizing socialism, to the point that a sizable number of people will push against it even if they have everything to gain and nothing to lose. The ultra wealthy are not exactly known for their amazing foresight either, and will also push against it even if it means the collapse of civilization. For fucks sake, we can’t even get them to agree that the planet we live on should be livable. One only needs to read the daily news to see dozens of examples of this very thing. And while all this pushback is going on, even if it does eventually lead to the implementation of UBI, shit is still going to suck for the people who just lost their jobs. I don’t think I’m in any way unjustified in being scared for the future.