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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I mean… isn’t that also a legal thing?

    If you know insider information that’s not public (A company misbehaved being one of them) you are not supposed to trade stock to financially gain from it.

    Now that’s what you’re supposed to do… Politicians have proven that’s rules just for peasants, and most stock traders heavily benefit from this type of information, and unless your Martha Stewart for some reason, you get away with it… But my point is legally, if you know they misbehaved, that’s immediately insider information?

    Edit: I misunderstood the headling/rule. Sorry. Quite a shit thing that granted stock can be revoked, especially after you pay taxes. I wonder how legal it is, because if they can revoke it, is it actually yours and thus do you have to pay taxes on it?

  • I mean ultimately the biggest problem isn’t even voting or anything. It’s that Youtube doesn’t care about giving you “quality” it cares about keeping you on the platform so it can keep feeding you ads. At the end of the day, as long as you keep watching Youtube is happy.

    This is similar to the reason I stopped reading Quora posts because they’re some of the most awful pieces of freelance writing that has nothing to do with “information transferring” and everything to do with “keeping you reading”. Feels like such a weird site.

    But ultimately the trick is you have to break the cycle of watching or staying on Youtube when you get bad content… at that point then Youtube has to change so you keep coming back to watch quality recommendations instead of just “what’s popular”

    Personally I mostly only will click on people I’m already subscribed to, because so much is just about “Watch time”, and like I said above, I only really value “information transfer”.

  • Yeah but when am I going to be able to watch AI-Generated Videos on Pornhub. (That I get to choose the content of).

    Honestly I’m so over hearing about AI. It’s either “Look at this average thing that AI has done (after giving X amount of attempts we won’t tell you about).” or “Look at this average thing that AI has done (after giving X amount of attempts we won’t tell you about) Isn’t it scary?”

    OH AI is wrong? Oh AI is doing something better than humans? Oh people might use AI versus doing nothing? Oh AI might replace cheap labor (fiver jobs)… AI will kill you, AI will heal you, AI has transcended humanity… AI has doomed us all.

    It’s all fucking clickbait at this point and I’m just already so fucking tired of hearing about it because none of it has value.

    But umm… that Pornhub video thing… let me know when that comes out.

  • This is the result of shareholders. Capitalism doesn’t have to turn into this and people can have small businesses that are comfortable and don’t grow. But when you get investment involve the question is always “how do you ‘grow this business’ so I can get a ROI”.

    There’s a few cases where that’s not the case, but the majority of the mindset of the modern business world is fast returns, rather than sustainable growth.

  • What else do you think they should spend their money on?

    Serious question, they’re a social media site, their whole goal is to sell ads to consumers, which is all R&D cost and server cost. User acquisition at this point is minimal, Sales is basically “We have a lot of users, want to talk to them.” The goal is to create ways that sales can sell to consumers to make money.

    Doesn’t help the consumer base is actively hostile to advertisements.

  • If you really haven’t… you need to. Better yet read the book. It should be required reading in America to see how the financial institutions fucked over America in 2008 and most of them got away with it or got the government to pay for it’s mismanagement, while a LOT of people got saddled with absolutely awful loans because all that mattered was creating and selling new debt.

  • “Forbes” is not the Forbes you are referring to. It’s a blogging platform that shows the forbes name and claims they’re “Contributors” but isn’t actually “Forbes Magazine” which is what investors actually trust.

    Basically this is just some shitbag pretending to be classy by hiding behind someone who sold him that space. There’s a ton of shit Video Game “Articles” on the site too, same story(masquerade), same value (low) , same respectability (none)

  • The goal of Apollo was to make a good app. The goal of the official reddit app is to show you ads and siphon money off you.

    Spot fucking on.

    Ever have a good app? Something you like using but it’s by a corporation but that’s ok, because it’s a good app and does what you want? And then they start adding more features to it, and it slows down, and it’s more annoying and it keeps offering services you don’t want, and it changes and it morphs and it becomes a shit app.

    Hell I’ve watched Whisk become something I liked using to something worthless now it’s Samsung food… Switched to using CopyMeThat which actually also gets me recipes from sites that you can’t just read the recipes from, and that’s ALL it does (well recipe book/shopping cart/meal planning, which is what it’s designed for.)

    I’m just sick of “How do we make more money” instead of just being an app that does what it says. Gaming is going down the same hole, sadly.

  • the authors said the takedown reflects Nvidia’s having “admitted” it trained NeMo on the dataset

    Oooh so they’re fucked.

    THOUGH… let’s say I bought a book, why am I not allowed to learn from that book, and write in a similar style to that book. I am? Well why can’t I train an AI to use that book and have it write in a similar style? I’m not sold on “I must give you permission to use my book to train an AI.” Maybe if I agreed to those terms BEFORE buying the book, but it seems odd that someone can bar me from doing that AFTER buying the book. And just because “we never thought about that” isn’t really a good excuse to change the rights for someone who bought the book.

    Though if anything this basically proves the old adage. “Don’t tell anyone what’s in your AI’s training data”