Just a dude who believes in the Fediverse over standard Social Media sites! I’m a fan of horror, cute animals, and handsome lads.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • As LLMs haven’t been able to pass a Turing Test, I can’t quite let the ‘AI’ descriptor go unchallenged. It doesn’t sit right with me; I’m not comfortable with the intentional dishonesty that conflating LLMs with AI. However, I do understand your exhaustion with trying to correct that mistake.

    As for the usage beyond spellchecking and grammar checking; it is up to an individual if they want to make more usage of it despite the ethical, privacy, and security concerns surrounding LLMs. I made my choice due to this, even that makes me feel occasionally uneasy. Making a decision with all the information is far better than falling for the hype surrounding LLMs at the moment.

  • For the moment, they are simply better than the competition in regard to LLM ambitions. I got tired of Google being incompetent and not supporting an app/service for more than a few years. Google is chasing after a viral hit app without showing they could actually maintain it for more than longer than a year, at best. Apple is stable, they have a plan to keep their main services stable and useable! I switched to an iPhone last year, it’s a stable experience, if not a bit bland at times due to a lack of serious customization elements. Since moving away from Windows and going to Ubuntu, I even plan on getting a Mac Mini to manage my iPhone (since Linux doesn’t have those tools readily available). I don’t like Apple persay because I don’t trust any corporation, in a market with little choice; I chose them for the time being. When Linux phones are ready for the general audience that is when I will jump ship.

  • I think it’s due to a combination of the tech still being relatively young (it’s made leaps and bounds) and its thoughtless hallucinations that pass as valid answers. If the training data is poisoned by disinformation or misinformation, it makes any output potentially useless at best, at worst it’s harmful. The quality of LLM results purely depends on the people in charge of creating them and the source of its data. After writing it out, I feel that I mistrust the people in control of LLM development because it’s so easy to implement this tech incorrectly and for the people in charge to be completely irresponsible. Since, the techbros behind this latest push for making LLMs into AI are so gung-ho about it, the guard rails have been pushed aside. That makes it all the easier for my fears to become manifest.

    Once again, it sounds all well and good what Apple is likely trying to do with their implementation of LLM. However, I can’t help but wonder about how terribly wrong it can all go.

  • No, I purely meant Apple making AI an opt-in feature is setting is an appropriate choice. Users should and have full control over their data and how a company can or cannot access it. My opinion on AI (LLMs in disguise) is that it’s very much a project which is not ready for general use beyond Autocorrection and Grammar checking.

    I am no Apple Fanboy, but a decision like this in regards to Apple Intelligence being opt-in is a better move than what Microsoft and Google have done. I sure as shit will be keeping an eye on Apple as I don’t trust them enough to give them the keys to my data readily. They were a better option at the moment until Linux Phones are amazing enough to abandon iOS.

  • I 100% agree, LLMs are a security threat at the moment because and need far more work before I would consider them remotely safe! Users who aren’t technically savvy should not be forced to harbor LLMs on their systems. As the risk of a malicious user breaching and siphoning that data off is ever present. There have to be huge guardrails in place which allow users to have precise control over their data and where it goes.

    In regards to iCloud, users should always have a choice as to which apps are opted-in to iCloud at start-up. I know they think iCloud is the best shit, however, letting the user decide is king. The same could be said for all the data harvesting enabled by default on iOS/Mac OS (I vindictively turned that shit off making a WTF face).

    As for Apple making Apple Intelligence temporarily opt-in, I’m not sure they would do that. As they’ve seen the outrage caused by LLMs, I think Apple might make an exception and remain opt-in. Though, this is only an opinion and could be proven wrong in the near future.

    As for Linux, I did switch almost a week and a half ago to Ubuntu because Microsoft pissed me off! I experienced the pain points caused due to reacquainting myself with the OS, found out several tools I loved and used back in the 16.04 days do not play nicely with 24.04; I borked Ubuntu 3 times before getting it right. ROFL Now it works just fine since Canonical pushed patches that solved underlying issues in their code. I was able to customize and play games, it’s just the lack of proprietary software for iPhone management. I’ll have to get a Mac Mini for that purpose.