• 4 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024


  • Don’t forget the 5 BILLION dollars they just gave to WWE, a company that regularly goes to Saudi Arabia. A country so backwards in human rights that they don’t allow women to work. So WWE’s answer to this was to create a tornament just for the women. Called “The Great Moolah Classic”. Only problem with that is, it happened just as the MeToo movement was happening. Now in case you’re unaware, womens pro wrestling from the 1950s through the 1980s was dominated by “The Great Moolah”.

    Btw, I’M not saying she was great. Far from it. Thats just her stage name.

    But if you were a woman, and you wanted to get into womens wrestling between 1950-1985 you NEEDED to go through The Great Moolah. Here’s the problem though.

    You had to live in a camp, where she controlled every aspect of your life from training through retirement. What she did with this control was appalling. She forced them to prostitute themselfs out to not only the male wrestlers, but also the rest of the general public in the area.

    These women then had to give 100% of the money to Moolah, or else they’d be beaten.

    And that’s the tornament they tried to give as the consolation prize for women not being allowed to wrestle in Saudi Arabia. Oh, and when they were forced to change the name, almost IMMEDIATELY, they changed it to The Mae Young Classic. Mae Young was Moolah’s best friend, and one of the people who would help beat the other women. That’s still what it’s called today. When they first introduced the trophy for it, the trophy was intentionally made to look like a vagina. "Here’s your make believe trophy for winning a make believe tornament, as a consolation prize for very real restrictions on making very real money, and we shaped it like your genitals. Snickers, who sponsered the tornament balked when they saw their logo would be on that trophy, and they were forced to redesign it to something more generic. The tornament continues to this day.

    And that’s what Netflix just paid 5 BILLION dollars for. Either 3 or 5 years. I forget which.

  • Nothing but upvotes for you.

    I’m imagining you as this Nordic Viking, who’s 7’2, and made exclusively of muscles, and the closest thing to a shirt you wear are those straps across the chest to keep your sword on hour back. Like He-Man has.

    And long Fabio hair. With bloodlust in your eyes…

    …but you work in an office. With people you despise, but there are no more viking raids. So you have to put up with Kathy, telling you another boring story about her cats…or was it her kids? Oh, actually it might have been her dying grandmother. Whatever, you weren’t listening anyways. Too busy imagining using your sword to cut her spine out, and twist it in a knott.

    But alas. You’re just here to make photocopies of…wait, is this a blank piece of paper??? Have you been making 500 copies of NOTHING for the past 4 minutes??? But wait…then who has the picture of your butt???

    My god, is Kathy STILL talking???

  • Ah, I see. So because YOU understand something, and know what you’re doing, and haven’t had anything fail on YOU, then it must be everybody ELSES fault, right? Meanwhile Linux has less than 5% of PC userbase, and that INCLUDES Chromebooks.

    I don’t think it’s even fairly controversial to say that Windows over the last couple of versions have turned into an unmitigated privacy dumpster fire, and only looking to get worse, and MacOS is and always has been a walled garden which offers very little in the way of customization or individuality.

    Yet despite all that, Linux only has about 4% marketshare, because nobody is able to use it. But hey, must be 95% of societys fault, and not the direct result of a confusing to use interface, right? And if YOUR bluetooth works fine, and doesn’t refuse to connect at random until you restart, that must be something I’m making up and doesn’t exist, right?