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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2024


  • It’s really hard to list any news sources that I don’t read with a few kilos of salt. DN! seems one of the more trustworthy, and Amy Goodman makes it work on a very slim budget; and for that reason, she’s simply not able to cover everything, and maybe that’s good, because it gives us time to really think about what they publish. I can tell you the only reason I miss TV is for local coverage, and even then, it’s also best taken with a few kilos of salt.

  • There was an article posted in another magazine thread that spoke about needing to iterate America’s core values. What are they? Freedom to starve and be homeless, or be locked up and become a chattel slave, or work several jobs as s wage slave; freedom of press owned by a handful of superwealthy people and corporations, many of whom are in the energy and arms industries; freedom of low quality food that contain carcinogenic pesticide residues, colors, flavors and growth hormones and routine antibiotics. Freedom to die from easily treatable conditions because you can’t afford care of medications, even if you purchase mandated Medicare?

    Justice? For whom? The people who are incarcerated because of fabricated evidence of having to take plea deals because you can’t afford a good lawyer? The ones executed, despite exculpatory evidence? How about executive branch government members who lead insurrection, or legislators that make insider trading legal for themselves but not us, or of the legislative branch who take gifts of great monetary value and have loans forgiven?

    How about too big to fail industries?

    Freedom of speech? Two tiered.

    Profit at the expense of all else; making sure the USD remains the world reserve currency, by manufacturing fake wmds to invade a sovereign nation, so that nation would not convert their UN food-for-oil account from petrodollar to Petroeuro? Taking foreign money to defeat more progressive candidates that would absolutely vote not to support genocide with money, weapons, air support? Conveniently forgetting concern over certain nations’ infatuation with Nazi idealism to continue the tired red scare propaganda?


    What are America’s core values?

  • If the people are happier, that’s a starting point. I’d like to see more on-the-ground, fair coverage of your nation. It’s hard to have any opinion, let alone an informed opinion, without media attention.

    Please do share more, whenever and in whatever discussions you’re inclined. I’m interested!