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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The point being, they are charging 200 bucks for hardware that is superfluous and low end for an incomplete software experience that could be delivered without that on an app. The question is, are you going to give up your smartphone for this new device? Are you going to carry both? Probably not.

    “It can do 10% of the shit your phone can do, only slower, on a smaller screen, with its own data connection, and inaccurately because you have to hope that our “AI” is sufficiently advanced to understand a command, take action on that command, and respond in a short amount of time. And that’s not to even speak about the horrible privacy concerns or that it’s a brick without connection!”

    Everything about this project seems lackluster at best, other than maybe the aesthetic design from teenage engineering, but even then, their design work seems a bit repetitive. But that may be due to how the company is asking for the work. “We wanna be like Nothing and Playdate!!” “I gotchu fam!”

    To address your point about e-readers, they have specific use cases. Long battery lives, large, efficient e-ink displays, and the convenience of having all your books, or a large subset, available to you offline! But when those things aren’t a concern, yea, an app will do.

    Like with most contemporary product launches, I simply find myself asking, “Who is this for?”

  • From Texas, also gay AF. If it’s lust, try an app. Find a chill dude who’s ok with your speed and your experience, work your way up to stuff. Or if you’re less timid, there are plenty of guys that are really into no strings attached.

    As far as dating? Surely there is a gay bar within 30 miles at least. That’s a decent start. If not, go do things you like doing. Watch out for any guys you fancy giving you eyes. Worst case scenario, you made a friend. Can’t do socializing stuff or are big groups intimidating? Well, at least you can chat with a few interesting people in your area on apps to see what the local scene is like.

    If you can help it? Move to the biggest city in your state. Or fully out of the south? Lol. Idk. I’m trapped in Texas.

    Edit: Also, having a dog/plants attracts some of the more stable guys. Lol. All the hotties like a Plant and/or Dog Daddy.

  • I… I don’t think they are generating the history on the fly for each individual playback. Probably just generating images based on the concept, iteratively tweaking until it conveys the message that is desired by the artist. You know. Like most artistic works. AI is another tool.

    Not to say training data being copped from hardworking artists is good, but an ethically trained AI for image generation for this context is not necessarily evil if it is used in the context of executing the artist’s vision in the way they deem necessary and sufficient. Relying on outside people can often cloud the vision of a project.

    That being said, pay artists for their work, license if you want to train, and credit/royalties should be paid until copyright expires or the rights are purchased outright for a competitive compensation.