I’m sure I get considered rude once in a while, but I just don’t acknowledge when people sneeze.
A mid-thirties hippie type. I’m into homesteading, nature, music and food. I have been here since reddit, but often delete accounts for mental health reasons and anonymity. Aside from this, not much of an online person. I live in the middle of nowhere, so it’s nice to come here and get my fill
I’m sure I get considered rude once in a while, but I just don’t acknowledge when people sneeze.
Personally, I like to make an assessment of my feelings toward the favor done. If I feel put upon, I give an “mhmm” or “yup”. My enthusiastic response is usually “no problem!”
“You’re welcome” implies you can ask for favors anytime, day or night, and feels a bit too prostrate. I’ll say it to some people, but it almost feels like an “I love you” type of response, and I reserve it for when I really mean it. I don’t say the words “you’re welcome” casually. I kind of say them like you would say something deeply truthful to someone
While we’re at it, what’s up with young people saying “bless you”? I kinda thought that one would have fallen off with people under 35
Also an electoral problem. Can’t fulfill promises if you lose to trump, which shouldn’t even be a possibility, but here we are
I would have enjoyed this as a great lakes ship nerd
Remember the quote “if voting mattered, they would make it illegal”?
Here we are.
Not saying voting matters, btw
I know work bad but if I don’t keep busy, time crawls. Also, theoretically I would have bosses find me shittier jobs to do if I’m not engaged in the main thing I’m there to do.
I’ve never had a job that there was a lot of downtime except that time I worked for a landscaping company. My boss was chill and we smoked a ton of weed between jobs
Yes the fuck you did
I saw one in my hometown last summer. It’s not new or exciting. Some people got together and decided Truck nuts weren’t trashy enough
But only if they operate a profitable small business in a disadvantaged area for two or more years