March 2024… Useless data.
March 2024… Useless data.
If lemmy becomes just a bit more popular, the same thing will happen
Sounds like excuses to me.
Which one is that. I guess I’ve been left out of the loop.
I’m so excited! Will it not suck completely? Maybe!
It was a joke…
Geez. Linux community is extremely uptight and extremely triggered by any challenge, even whimsical. Relax guys. But seriously, Firefox kind of sucks.
So just to install chrome?
Edit: I got down voted for saying people use edge for downloading Chrome. A lot of edge lovers here, who would have known?
I know the Linux community doesn’t want to know, but Firefox is not as belowed as you might think.
No promises, but worst case scenario is incomprehensibly better than trump.
There is a time and place for everything. When you are on the cusp of electing a president that will give Israel all the lea way and weapons to remove gaza from existence, maybe you should take it easy on the other candidate that will not do that.
Any fan club big enough has that. Bernie had them too. The only question is how big that portion is.
I don’t really know, but when they have weird illogical views that they defend with trump like arguments, I think they are kids. They might not be 10.
Weird they removed them considering how many people they kill.
That’s a strawman. It is not like that at all and I never said it was. I even specifically said that I know the reason it is like it is. I do know how to work with it. And no, I have an ideology, something I mentioned many times : I’m a pragmatist.
Many developers have narrow views. Probably most have.
I have not taken anything here personally. I have answered all the questions even those that were rude. I did all this in high spirit because it seemed like a good debate. But it mostly really wasn’t. Because most people reply with basically : your experience isn’t valid because you suck. That’s what almost all replys were. Even yours.
So let’s not pretend any further this is going anywhere and just end it. Have a great day.
You are going in circles, making a strawman for me. Chill. I’m not a soldier for any software. Use whatever you like. I dont care. I shared my experience with Firefox. I’m sorry it’s different than yours, but it is what it is and no attacks on me and fallacies you what to string on are going to change it.
It seemed like people were interested, so I answered all the questions, even those that were offensive and rude and many were (very nice “community” ). I think this is the end. Bye.
What harm? What are you taking about?
If some miracle happened that all of a sudden Firefox would have a critical mass of users, we would start checking it. It’s not a big deal.
Im grateful for you suggestions and your calls for me to learn something. I’m sure they are well meaning and not as patronising as they sound at first.
The facts are : we don’t get many Firefox users. As far as we know most things are functional if not 100% visually correct. We don’t tell anyone not to use Firefox. I personally have stopped using Firefox because of broken apps (not mine specifically).
I don’t need to defend my position here. I don’t care why apps are not working, they just aren’t and I need them. Anyone can scream and cry how this is not firefoxes fault - nobody cares while the apps still aren’t running.
I shared my experience and almost everything I got was attacks on me. Many of them very personal about what I am and who I am even though nobody here knows anything about me. People are really offended, like I said something bad about their mother. It’s effin bizzare.
I’m sorry your favourite browser is not so successful as you want. Really truly sorry, but you don’t know anything about me, what I do and how lazy I am.
I only saw the one text saying march