Not sure why you’re getting shit on. Actually, I do know. Many people think everyone is as tech savvy as they are. It would blow many people’s minds they could install an operating system. Their computer comes with it like their iPhone comes with iOS. A lot of people just can’t figure things out for themselves. They can google it, but then will see a bunch of crazy commands to copy and paste. And there’s a good chance that if they do ask for some help. People will tell them their dumb and should be able to figure things out on their own and that linux is too much for them.
Also, this is from a guy who can use Linux at an average level.
I did the same thing with Vizio and it eventually would randomly turn off, or sound wouldn’t work or something, you’d call support and they’d tell you that you have to update it. It doesn’t make any sense, but I did it and it would work find for awhile again. Thr tinfoil hat in me says they do that to get whatever info they have stored on you.