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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Whatever you need to quantify your reasoning is fine. I do apologize I called you stupid and it was uncalled for. I am sure that you believe what you say to be right and true or justice. I do not know where you are from but where I live you are innocent until proven guilty. Until actual evidence in produced the man in question is innocent. If one day evidence is provided that isn’t just hearsay then I will change my mind. I do not defend anyone because there is no one to defend.

  • Without proof there is no victim. It’s just a person speaking about another person. I don’t go around sentencing random people with unconfirmed charges. Innocent until proven guilty.

    I don’t give a shit about this man in the slightest. I didn’t even know who the CEO was until today. However, people spouting a tweet like it’s hard evidence is so stupid it really makes you wonder how someone can be that dumb.

    If it did happen then it’s terrible but without proof there isn’t any way to prove it.

  • Not me but my wife

    My wife grew up very poor, like might not have running water poor.

    So her parents were in jail for the umpteenth time and she was staying with her aunt and uncle. They were just as poor, however, the aunt did not care about home cleanliness like my wife’s mother and they had roach infestations like no other. Every electronic shorted out from roach bodies. You could not set a drink or food down or it would be swarmed. It wasn’t only one time either. Each home that these people went to was condemned soon after because of the infestations and unwillingness to clean.