Stoneykins [any]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • Apple is interested in maintaining full control of what apps can be on their platform and how they are presented because it gives them power over negotiations with companies that build the apps. They are basically able to “name their price” and make sure they are always getting as big of a cut as they would like.

    The EU is interested in not letting them do that because that kind of “negotiating” behavior is pretty well understood to be anti-consumer. Increased costs for app developers are usually passed directly onto the consumer through the prices. And it tends to get worse over time.

    No company anywhere wants to use webapps anymore. Apps installed on devices are free advertising and access to user data. It is frustrating but the way it is, on all devices, already. So basically the answer is the same as why can’t most apps that already exist on all devices anyways just be web apps.

    I don’t think sideloaded would be quite the right word, this is about access to other app stores (like the google play store or amazon app store, or more niche ones) that would then formally and automatically install and maintain apps exactly the same way the apple app store already does, presumably just with a different library of apps to choose from.

    Apps from another app store would need no access to any API by apple unless they were specifically interacting with apple services, AFAIK. Which, would be under the full control of apple and apple chooses who uses it, how, and how much they use it, but that is already the case regardless.

    I tried to answer your confusions as best as I can do with what I know already. As for why people take this so personally, I would say it is a complex topic combining businesses that are constantly trying to drive each other out of business with the social effects of making the tool people use to communicate a status symbol. And it has been brewing for long enough that people are getting extreme opinions and fostering long term grudges based on personal experience, to the point that some people have some real hatred towards anyone who has a different phone OS than them.

    This was a long comment to type and I did it while laying in bed half asleep. Sorry if it has a bunch of typos or errors lol

  • I mean if you want to know how it would effect me it wouldn’t. Posts from beehaw don’t even come up, flooded out by more active communities, unless I go directly to the beehaw comms. I functionally use it as a seperate website anyways now, if I ever feel like checking it.

    I don’t really understand your overall goal talk tho. You want to be nice in an intentionally vague way, but you feel like federation is somehow limiting you from achieving this vague state of niceness… Is it just moderation difficulties (not to downplay them) or is something else about leaving the fediverse door open problematic to being nice?

    To be blunt the solution to your problems seems to me the same as every single other time beehaw federation is talked about: the community you want to achieve will require many more moderators than a typical community of equivalent size, they will need specialized mod tools, they will need to be high quality skilled highly vetted mods, and you will need exponentially more of them the more users appear on beehaw. Federation doesn’t directly stop you from doing any of that, but it does lead to faster growth, which leads to too much work if you aren’t constantly adding moderators to match growth.

    You should be asking yourself how big you want beehaw to be, and how big of a beehaw you think can be achieved at all.

    Sorry I didn’t mean to be this rambly when I started writing ignore it if you want

  • I know you meant the ones that you don’t want to get stung by, but even those don’t exist to sting you, they are important predators and scavengers of their environments, and their loss would still have negative effects.

    Plus, the context of the post is discussing the possible negative impacts if certain animals just disappear, so I used your phrasing as an excuse to talk about something I think is interesting. I mean, without wasps, you don’t have figs anymore, at all, and all sorts of other stuff. I think that is neat.

  • Huh. Do you live pretty far from where beavers do (not asking you to be specific)?

    But yes, beavers are great. They are what is known as a “keystone species” because they create the wetland environments that many other species depend on to live in. They eat wood, and yes, the way they build dams is by piling debris/wood wherever they find/hear flowing water, until they’ve plugged it all up. Then they build a lodge with an underwater entrance in the pond they made, and stock it with sticks to eat through the winter. I think they are adorable.

  • Oooh that one is rough, especially since you just said generic “wasp”. That would get rid of a monumental amount of pollinators, specialist ones. And scavengers and predators that help manage other pests. And a large number of wasps are smaller and don’t sting, instead they have ovipositors. I won’t get into detail what they do with em, but they are harmless to humans and often amazing at taking out populations of agricultural pests, like hornworms