Platypus: it’s a weird custom build, but it works as intended.
SNES - I love 16bit pixel art.
I think most mammals have the same general wants an tendencies
And sometimes wants can be surprisingly different!
I’ve noticed that some people do use other filters than “Hot” or they scroll back in smaller communities, because I’ll occasionally get comment replies to posts I made months ago. It’s cool to see.
Does the Active feed work this way?
I remember you! I see posts all the time and notice “Ah, it’s that Sag fellow again”
I think still yes, when a problem is abundantly clear, but borderline cases can more easily be left to individual preference.
There’s a 3-dot options button next to “quote” that has “Text Faces”.
(ง ื▿ ื)ว ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
Oh my god, I’d never tried tapping this button before.
I’ve noticed that too. I thought it was a different technology community popping up for a while.
Yeah, looks like the default “word_wordnumbers” usernames that reddit gives you if don’t change them.
I wonder if that would be an easy way to detect botting by not filling in that field for them.
Now THAT also sounds like early internet too…
I’m going to say yes. Every teenager is an alien.
Lol, you mean you didn’t like them singing Row Row Row Your Boat around the campfire? Or Uhura’s sexy fan dance? How about Scotty running into a crossbeam like he’s in the Three Stooges?
It seems like such a creative way to do social commentary. We get to see our present failings in aliens, and then contrast it with how the crew (future humanity) carries themselves. Sometimes it’s very clunky and heavy handed (like that TOS episode with the half-white/half-black aliens), but it’s still good. My favorites are every time Picard monologues about their values to an alien race in TNG.
Even if you already share the values, it’s fascinating to hear them laid out so clearly.
Oh yeah, it’s TV for sure. The original ran from 1966-69 with 79 episodes, and that was going to be it because they had never heard of a “fandom” before.
Then, they realized that people were showing up to conventions and obsessing over the show, so they finally made the first movie in 1979 and then started the next show in the 80s (which ran for like 140-150 episodes).
The TV series is the main draw, with any movies along the way just being a bonus.
That sounds like such a an awesome early internet thing.
The Star Trek TV shows are far superior to any of the movies anyway.
Even starting with the original series’ movies, they tried to make them more action-y than philosophical to appeal to a broader audience, and while they’re a lot of fun, I rewatch the shows WAY more for a reason.
It would be rude not to.