That’s good to know, then. Here’s to hoping they don’t bother, the last thing we need is another opaque, dystopian tech feature.
That’s good to know, then. Here’s to hoping they don’t bother, the last thing we need is another opaque, dystopian tech feature.
Same old trick in a new venue. This has been happening for a long time in Asian warehousing, but has hopped the pond this last decade or so. Worker’s efficiency is set to a certain rate of efficiency, then they’re reprimanded/fired for failing to meet it. The catch is that it’s a challenging pace to begin with, and the window for successful completion almost-imperceptibly narrows, eventually becoming so ludicrously small that they must injure or maim themselves trying to beat it or even match the pace. Once they quit or cripple themselves, the company simply slides in a new candidate who doesn’t yet understand just how Hellacious the work is.
Is there risk of a sort of arms race wherein services will update and decline to render services to those who block said blacklisted ad domains, or has that already happened?
Beautiful, I like the sounds of that.
My friend doesn’t understand this reference, could you elaborate, please?
moron opens encyclopedia “Wow, this book is smart.”
So, turns out that they final push that convinced me to start learning Linux is the ol’ Text Document.txt of all things. Swear to God, I thought that it would be the automatic updates nuking my unsaved work (again), but here we are…
Sure I have. I’ve also noticed an uptick in far-right users reporting accounts to get them suspended and banned. For people who jump so readily to calling their ideological opponents snowflakes, they’re remarkably quick to run to Mods, who’re disappointingly happy to accommodate fasch rhetoric.