I exist or something probably

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • It’s extremely easy to disturb asbestos, it does not take a large chronic exposure to get health consequences, it takes a very small amount of acute exposure or even less chronic exposure. Generally you will be fine from incidental one-off exposures, but if you live in a home with say, asbestos tiles in your kitchen, or asbestos in the paint or drywall, it can be very easy to build exposure from reno or damage from normal home wear. Not to mention it’s extremely expensive to modify because of the required controls, meaning it disproportionately effects low income households, who both struggle to afford preventative maintenance, and struggle to afford the reno.

    There’s a reason asbestos ppe is decon controls roughly equivalent to mercury, lead, and beryllium.

  • Radiation related effects among workers was not high. Additionally, radiation workers do accept higher risk of dose due to direct financial benefit. A few workers received clinical doses of radiation, while the vast majority received much less than the alara linear no threshold exposure limits. You are at greater risk increase in general from things like working in a grocery store, or working a construction site, or any other industrial plant, than really any nuclear worker has of radiation poisoning. It’s hilariously dishonest and misinformed with how paranoid folks are about radiation. Hilariously radiation workers generally receive less dose than the general public because they work in buildings with large amounts of voicers, metal, and incidental shielding!

    The general public around fukushima is more likely to get cancer from red meat than they are from the fukushima event.

    Regardless, fukushima and Chernobyl are entirely incomparable.

  • Uncritically lumping Chernobyl in with TMI and fukushima loses you all credibility.

    Chernobyl, where a critically mismanaged and politically nigh guaranteed failed emergency response to a similarly guaranteed foreseen design failure leading to hundreds of thousands of dosed people across all of Europe

    … Compared to events largely which have had no detectable radiological health effects on non workers anywhere.

    The nuclear industry is far and away the safest and most scrutinized of any industry, try to be honest when you’re making arguments.

    The reason people don’t want to put nuclear facilities in convenient places is paranoia.

    Complaining about Joshua trees for this is somewhat silly, it’s not one or the other, but the environmental impact is worth discussing.