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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Without thinking or reading to the last paragraph of this article, I went and started a dist-upgrade on my pi.

    Curious now to see if it still boots after it’s finished.

    Edit: Oops

    ~ » ssh pihole@
    Last login: Wed Oct 11 09:38:31 2023 from
    compdump:print:36: write error: no space left on device
    compdump:print:42: write error: no space left on device
    compdump:print:44: write error: no space left on device
    compdump:44: write error: no space left on device
    compdump:print:44: write error: no space left on device
    compdump:44: write error: no space left on device

  • There’s a tradeoff with CFL bulbs between longevity and instant action. The normal expectation for a light bulb is to have it at full brightness the moment you flip the switch, but the first CFL bulbs to market often took minutes to reach peak output. Longer if they were cold.

    So to meet consumer expectations, manufacturers began designing bulbs that would, on ignition, damage themselves in order to reach peak output faster.

    It’s no wonder the CFL bulb failed as a product, you would either get a bulb that would never be bright enough when you needed it, or you got a bulb that would burn itself out just as quickly as any incandescent for twice the price.