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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Word.

    The average person doesn’t seek shit out. They wait until it’s fed to them and then may occasionally decide to participate out of fomo.

    What really surprised me is that some of the communities I enjoyed pretty much universally carried on as if nothing happened. Maybe I’m weird, but I can’t support the bullshit they pulled. Thankful for the alternative and hope to see it flourish.

  • I’m not saying we need to blow up and get inundated with the masses, but sometimes it takes an event to kick things up a notch or two. Ideally a positive event, but something noteworthy to get people’s attention.

    I don’t visit that site which shall not be named anymore, but I never visited it for memes or politics etc or because I had any particular affinity for the platform. I went there for the niche forums it had and if they exist here, they are empty.

    I’m optimistic and I think we’ll have that event.

  • Good writeup, but a few things I’m taking away from it.

    1. I’ll say it again, fuck RedditCorp.

    2. A recurring theme I’m seeing in these articles is the framing of it as a RedditCorp vs mods issue. I was just a user. Yes, the mods got screwed hard here, but so did any casual user who relied on well-designed apps to allow them to access and participate in the discussions they cared about without being clotheslined by an ad every 5 seconds. This is as insulting to the users as it is anyone else.

    3. It’s been mentioned by a few others but why did they choose Discord? This article points out the flaws with it, all of which would be resolved by migrating to Lemmy/Fediverse. I’m not a user of Discord or Reddit, so I’m not tuned in to their reasoning.

    4. Related, another article that gives no mention to the incredible growth that’s happening over here. Maybe that’s for the best, but a little exposure couldn’t hurt. I know all of my niche equivalents over here are silent.

    5. Shoutout to Guy in the article, most of the things he said are 100% spot on for members of any passionate community. I hope more people who continue to use that one outdated site read this article and finally ask themselves, “Why the fuck am I still sticking around this place?”

  • Agree completely. It just makes it all sound much more complicated than it is in practice. I’m used to the fediverse now and my eyes glazed over reading all that.

    Another issue I have with the article is that he doesn’t even touch on third-party apps, which are abundant and pretty damn robust considering how new they are. The fact that much of Reddit’s self immolation was directly due to their treatment of third-party apps. At least worth a paragraph in my opinion.

    Otherwise, nice write up.

  • Doesn’t even seem like it was that long ago that I’d be sitting at my desktop, 5+ tabs open. One might be Fark, Stumbleupon, Digg, etc for general shits and giggles, maybe some news. The others were the independent forums I visited every day for my interests where I actually got to meet and befriend some people, regardless of location.

    The anonymity of Reddit (which I was cool with) definitely was a shift in what “community” actually meant online.