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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • I defend capitalism because it is the most equitable and productive economic system that has ever existed, lifting more people out of poverty than ever before.

    Free markets create space for those who don’t fit in. As an autistic person, I appreciate a world where I can find a way to survive other than convincing a committee that I deserve to exist.

    I don’t deserve billionaires per se, but I have nothing against their existence and I think that a billionaire under capitalism is more fair and more likely to have fairly and productively achieved their wealth than a billionaire under any other system.

    And if you don’t think the other systems have billionaires, you’re blind.

    Under a free market, one gets rich by providing value. Economic relations are mutually consensual. That’s the definition.

    What is called “capitalism” these days is, generally speaking, the places where the free market has broken down. Slaves aren’t a free market scenario. Only having one available job isn’t a free market scenario. Big corporations controlling the government to prevent their competition from surviving or arising isn’t a free market scenario.

    All the “worst aspects of capitalism” that people complain about are exactly the aspects of the world that most resemble capitalism’s alternatives like anarchy and centralized command economies.

    We need more free market, not less. We need to let people buy a pack of cigarettes and then sell them for $2 a pop to make a profit, not kill them for doing this.

    The anti-capitalist hate is the result of decades of anti-working class propaganda that has made generations of people dedicated to destroying the very thing that gives them hope and possibility in the world.

    Biggest psy op in history, as Marx himself would be the first to recognize if he were alive and commenting today. I defend capitalism NOT because I want to fit in, but because it is the right thing to do.

  • There’s a difference between “violent crime exists” and “violent crime is so prevalent that regular citizens need to carry around an implement designed to kill people quickly while they go about their daily lives.”

    Only if you haven’t yet experienced violent crime.

    I carry a weapon because of one violent encounter I experienced in 2009.

    I decided that I never want it to happen again, so I am content to carry a weapon for the 1/1000000 times that it happens.

    I’ve had hundreds of thousands of encounters with strangers and only one of them involved the stranger trying to seriously hurt me. That one was enough to change my view on the nature of reality.

    Crashes don’t have to be prevalent in one’s life in order to wear a seatbelt.