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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • After reading that entire post, I wish I had used AI to summarize it.

    I am not in the equally unserious camp that generative AI does not have the potential to drastically change the world. It clearly does. When I saw the early demos of GPT-2, while I was still at university, I was half-convinced that they were faked somehow. I remember being wrong about that, and that is why I’m no longer as confident that I know what’s going on.

    This pull quote feels like it’s antithetical to their entire argument and makes me feel like all they’re doing is whinging about the fact that people who don’t know what they’re talking about have loud voices. Which has always been true and has little to do with AI.

  • Taking your initial post and this comment into consideration, you may be in a situation I find myself in (or I may be projecting, who knows). I started out with some regular ass depression and threw in what was originally some recreational weed consumption. After a while I found myself as a daily weed smoker. My partner seems to have a much different experience as a daily smoker than I do. For me it manifests itself as you are describing, just a lack of excitement about life. I feel like my weed hangover isn’t like an alcohol one, but rather it saps my motivation to do anything productive that I’m not being held accountable for. If I was also unemployed and unable to find a job, I’m sure it would be worse for me. At the moment, I’ve cut back on my consumption and am making it a point to only partake on weedkends. Pairing that with more exercise has worked well for me in the past, but I find it difficult to get in the exercise habit with that low level of motivated energy. Finding a form of exercise where you don’t notice the work you’re doing is also helpful. I don’t much like basketball, but a friend of mine invited me out to fuck around and shoot hoops with them. Probably the easiest time I had getting in some cardio without realizing it. Nowadays, I’ve got a rowing machine that I use while I watch streaming shows. I usually find my lust for life returning when I’ve put in the maintenance on the machine that is my body. It’s a lot easier to feel alive when you feel alive.

  • You’re referring to an older definition of that word. It’s been co-opted by gun loving, immigrant hating, misogynists. I miss the days of debates being about the issues you mention. I would love it if I could discuss exactly those topics with someone that has a different viewpoint. Instead the topics are so broad and extreme that we end up talking about whether or not it should be legal to tell kids that slavery existed and affected how people were legally considered until very recently. Segregation was deemed illegal within the lifetime of the majority of senators.

    See also: “True” Christians

    Christianity has a lovely core message that is no longer focused on. Instead individual references take center stage to help justify the restriction of rights of those who are other. The fact that we’ve rolled back Roe V Wade is insane.