§ɦṛɛɗɗịɛ ßịⱺ𝔩ⱺɠịᵴŧ

“I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.” - Rich Feynman

  • 469 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 19th, 2022


  • The facts are it’s an oligopoly which is rapidly moving towards pairing this with totalitarianism. Propaganda is so pronounced today that finding actual news is a chore, and if shared it’s labeled as “fake news”. A study was recently published demonstrating political moves are made without any care for how it impacts the masses. It’s tough to see the decline happen in real time while most deny it’s occurrence. Most are too focused on owning others in the working class with alternative ideals.

    But in the U.S., the natural beauty is phenomenal. Yet it’s being traded to allow conglomerates to squeeze more profit out of dwindling resources. If something doesn’t change the course soon, this answer potentially could land me in prison in the near future. Which is counter to what the country was supposedly established to prevent. It’s rough in many aspects, yet not entirely hopeless, at least as of this moment.

  • I feel like Mint is the move if you never want to utilize the terminal. But while it can be intimidating initially, after using it, you’ll grow to love it. Truly makes life way easier. I learned by first finding threads on my issues to copy and paste commands. After doing that enough you’ll gain an understanding of the main commands pretty quick. Fedora is a great starter in my mind, as you can do everything through the GUI when first starting, but unlike Mint, you can still get nerdy with the terminal when you feel up to it. Using a VM is a solid option to learn the terminal without any risk, worst case just delete the VM and make another. But you’d have to mess up pretty thoroughly to need to do that in my experience. Fedora, or Nobara which is a gaming and media centric fork of Fedora, are amazing due to the ability to run great out of the box plus being able to dial in anything you want to alter for your needs down the road. Fedora’s Software center allows you to add flatpak and snap packages, so it’ll all be in one place. Fedora 40 makes NVIDIA drivers pretty easy to deal with too. But this is just my two cents, I’m curious to see what others recommend for you.

  • I’ve never once met an unhoused human who stated they prefer life on the street. I have met some unhouse folks who made the choice, but this always aligned with living the van life, backpacking, or some drawn out international trips. Regardless, homelessness increased 12% last year. This is a massive increase and I’d bet the vast majority didn’t want this to take place as their hand was forced due to cost of living increases. In addition, nearly half of the homeless population is employed in the states, which is bonkers.

    While I hear what you’re saying, it’s equivalent to claiming wewe shouldn’t cure cancer cause some people choose cancer by smoking. In other words, while there are select few unhoused individuals who choose the path, a vast majority wish they had a home and feel abandoned by society. Especially as it becomes increasingly more “illegal” to be unable to afford rent on top of groceries, medical care, and transportation cost. The recent cost increases also make paying a fine instead of going to jail more unobtainable. It’s a vicious cycle being homeless, as no address prevents one from opening a bank account and also makes finding a better job very difficult.