• 1 Post
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2024

  • I was fully on board until, like, a year ago. But the more I used it, the more obviously it came undone.

    I initially felt like it could really help with programming. And it looked like it, too - when you fed it toy problems where you don’t really care about how the solution looks, as long as it’s somewhat OK. But once you start giving it constraints that stem from a real project, it just stops being useful. It ignores constraints (use this library, do not make additional queries, …), and when you point out its mistake and ask it to to better it goes “oh, sorry! Here, let me do the same thing again, with the same error!”.

    If you’re working in a less common language, it even dreams up non-existing syntax.

    Even the one thing it should be good at - plain old language - it sucks ass at. It’s become so easy to spot LLM garbage, just due to its style.

    Worse, asking it to proofread a text for spelling and grammar mistakes, but to explicitly do not change the wording or style, there’s about a 50/50 chance it will either

    • change your wording or style, or
    • point out errors that are not even in the original text in the first place!

    I could honestly go on and on, but what it boils down to is: it is able to string together words that make it sound like it knows what it is doing, but it is just that, a facade. And it looks like for more and more people, the spell is finally breaking.

  • I had multiple failed starts with (n)vim, always getting frustrated way before I had a usable setup, until I just used NvChad. It’s basically a preconfigured version, with all the plugins, keybinds,… you could probably want.

    It gave me something usable right out of the box. I continued tinkering with it for almost two years before moving on to my completely custom configuration.

    IMO the people that say you should start with bare (n)vim in order to learn everything from the ground up are delusional. There’s no reason you can’t learn all that stuff after you’ve actually experienced how nice the entire thing can be.

  • Good idea. I get a number of CORS errors - but I also get them without the VPN, so I don’t think that’s it.

    The idea that CR doesn’t block me, their content hipster does though - that might have merit. Hm. I have noticed that some sites require me to solve the Cloudflare Captcha. So maybe that happens when requesting the page/stream, and then since I don’t (can’t) solve it, nothing happens?

    Do you have an idea how I could verify this? 😅

  • Alright, this is weird. I ran tcpdump on the server, and checked both physical and wg0 interface. For things like youtube, it’s a constant stream of packets coming in on the physical interface, then immediately being relayed through wg0 - just as it should be.

    But for Crunchyroll, there’s… Nothing. I get an initial burst of packets when opening the site containing the video I want to stream, and then packets just stop coming in once the page itself has fully loaded.