“Hey, I was wondering if you could help me figure something out. I was really flattered by your invite the other day, but I’m not interested in dating right now. I enjoy your friendship and I don’t want to jeopardize it. Is there a way we can comfortably set boundaries without ruining that?”
IMO this way you let them know you’re interested in maintaining a relationship but at a friendship level. You demonstrate that you care about their feelings while clearly establishing the need for specific boundaries.
Microsoft again?
When I challenge my established concepts with new ideas or angles, and realize my previously held truth doesn’t hold up to scrutiny, or is reinforced or expanded upon. For example, “is a hot dog a sandwich?” makes me reconsider how so much depends on context, and how we as humans crave labelling and categorizing to the point of it being detrimental (see biological sex vs gender, Star Trek edit wars, classical music and pornography cataloguing, etc)
“Alright, we have at least 6 witnesses willing to testify that they think I’m pretty. If you confess and say that at least I’m cute, we’ll let you get off easy.”
“I wanna talk to my lawyer.”
bad cop begins routine
”good” cop pulls the bad cop off you
“Sorry, my partner is a loose cannon. Look, we just want to make sure you’ve got good taste.”
hey kid, stop all the downloadin’
Woah, slow down there professor calculus, not all of us have 10 fingers to count on
Also, for anyone over 35, our ability to understand “last decade” means the last 10 years, decreases over time. I read this question and still thought about songs that came out 2009.
I’ve been pronouncing it all-e-glucky