It really whips the llama’s ass. Post says it all. Foreveralone. Take my upvote. Are we in post-social media yet or what?

    2 years ago

    Imgur purge is actively happening. Safe to say we will be in that era soon enough, give or take 2 years optimistically. Being pessimistic, 1 year. To bring even more depression, during this year, in realtime right now, content is being purged at a rate where you will be lucky if you manage to salvage all that you need to.

    We are in the most turbulent era of internet that we might ever see, before the AI age dawns upon us. Grab a couple 4 TB Seagate HDDs and save anything you need to. Movies, documentaries, songs, obscure YouTube videos, photo galleries, game ROMs, webpages, documents… anything. Ham that internet connection with whatever freerange VPN you can.