• YarHarSuperstar@lemmy.world
        13 hours ago

        Hey, how about we leave the needless gendering of everything on reddit maybe? Gentle reminder that not everything needs to be gendered and (especially on Lemmy) there are lots of folks who might be put off in some way by this, because it feels very much (at least to me) like something (particularly white cishet) dudes say to each other and not something that applies to folks of all genders and communities, like “friend” for example. Not trying to imply that you are any of those things (even someone who is okay being called dude, I’m not calling you that, intending to be giving a vibe on the statement without judging you) just that that’s what I think of when I see that and I wouldn’t necessarily mind if someone said it to me (especially in person; I’m currently masc presenting at the least, not sure yet where I actually land) but thinking of others who might feels like something that happens on Lemmy that differentiates the community at large from reddit. Not saying it’s always like that, check my recent comments if you want to see examples of how some folks are def still trolling here, but it’s better and I hope we can continue to wear that diversity and respect as a badge of honor sort of.

        • TronBronson@lemmy.world
          10 hours ago

          Sorry dude, these are commonly used expressions for like the last 60 years man. Why don’t you just enjoy the wide range of words used to communicate between humans friend? The history of our language. Hell ya brother should be read in the voice of Macho Man Randy savage. It adds some flair to the words when the reader understands the context.

          We should try to celebrate diversity instead of enforce conformity. Especially when it comes to communicating and language.

          • YarHarSuperstar@lemmy.world
            2 hours ago

            enforce conformity

            I don’t see where I said I would like to enforce anything, please point out exactly what you’re referring to. [1]

            We should try to celebrate diversity

            Yeah, that’s what I said too, when I was explaining in a very clear and solutions focused way to someone else the ways they can, you know, actually do that by respecting folks who may feel left out when it’s so common to assume everyone is a man behind a computer, which is the opposite of “celebrating diversity”.



            This feels intentionally (and unnecessarily) disrespectful after I just made it clear I do not think that type of language is inclusive to everyone.


            Why don’t you just enjoy

            We should

            Please don’t talk to me that way. I’m very happy with my life and don’t need to be told what to do or enjoy.

            It adds some flair

            Nothing wrong with flair.

            when the reader understands the context

            Yeah that’s the problem. Not every reader will immediately understand that context, and if they don’t, in this example specifically just for a hypothetical, say because they’re gen-z (too young to get the ref) or autistic (more direct communication is better understood) or something, they may think this is just some place where everyone assumes everyone else is a man or a dude, like reddit.

            The history of our language.

            Hwæt, hwæt þu ne spræce swā gif þu þearft on gemyndum habban þæs þe ær gewāt?

            ETA: Footnotes since y’all are so intent on misunderstanding:

            1. More specifically, I didn’t say that they should change the comment, or use any language that can (IMO) be reasonably interpreted as trying to “enforce” anything. My intention is as stated: a gentle reminder of what makes the community feel cohesive and inclusive to me and I’m certain there are others who feel the same way.
            • gamermanh@lemmy.dbzer0.com
              7 hours ago

              This feels intentionally (and unnecessarily) disrespectful after I just made it clear I do not think that type of language is inclusive to everyone.

              Congrats, you got the point of why they did it! They don’t care that you think it isn’t inclusive because you don’t dictate what is and isn’t inclusive. Male pronouns being used as gender-neutral ones is very old, and you sound exactly like the weirdos who can’t handle “they” as a pronoun for a person

              Again: you don’t get to enforce conformity my guy

              • YarHarSuperstar@lemmy.world
                3 hours ago

                Again: you don’t get to enforce conformity my guy

                Again: please show me where I said anything that even suggests that. My language was as respectful as possible and most folks who are not assholes wouldn’t take issue with it. Y’all are actually trying to tell me that I don’t get to say what feels inclusive to me, and that’s literally trying to enforce conformity, my guy.