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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023

  • I mean, sure but Dems only really have a chance because Republicans continue to run the shuttiest candidates imaginable. That is absolutely true

    Like, Obama won partly because McCain chose to run with Palin. It’s not the only reason he won, but it’s silly to think it wasn’t a major factor - especially considering everything we know about white American voters, that’s been made just as clear as it ever could be. I bet it was a tough decision for some/many Americans

    I’ve always wished I could feel like the choice in a general election was a hard decision, but alas I’m working class and brown (and believe in science)

  • Dude, I didn’t say most of what you’re assuming I said. It’s weird what you’re doing. We’re not convincing each other of anything. The idea is to try and understand each other. I’m not going to engage with the original convo anymore because it’s not fruitful. Now, I’m more interested in the poor/lack of communication going on.

    I mean, you wrote a whole lot in response to my saying “you’re not understanding me” with a defensive rant about how you are actually understanding me, I just can’t tell or am lying to you. I’ll say it once more. You’re not understanding me or what I’m trying to convey. I’ll accept my part in failing to communicate but it takes two… to u know not assume an entire thesis about what the other is sayinf

    I personally would never criticize people doing what you’re doing (not voting/voting third party). I disagree with it, but do your thing. I tend to criticize the Dems so it’s wild you think I was saying Biden shouldn’t drop out. You’re saying legit silly things and it only makes sense to you and maybe people that already agree with you. I mean, you didn’t even answer the one question I asked, about what happens after the election, and you now you’ve jumped to thinking I’m against everything you stand for or something. That’s wild bro!

    This is what frustrates me most. I disagreed with one thing you said, and you went nuclear like I’m basically your number one enemy. It’s like you’d prefer to be all alone and/or have less allies.

    I honestly care a bit less about politics since realizing most of us can’t even have a very basic, low-stakes conversation about what each person thinks. I mean, if we don’t truly understand what the other is saying what’s the point?

  • Fair enough. We’re talking past each other at this point and I don’t really feel like repeating myself.

    I disagree with the movement’s strategy, and lack thereof, and I disagree with your entire first paragraph. There is absolutely a lot to lose and it’s beyond frustrating and disrespectful for someone like you to say there isn’t. I’d implore you to think about even just one negative outcome that could occur because of your movement’s lack of consideration for their fellow citizens.

    That said, I’d bet decent money you’re not a Muslim-American, that could be banned from visiting their family in a foreign country, or a Mexican-American that might be at risk of being deported/their family being deported, etc. My guess is you’ll be just fine no matter what happens and you don’t really care about the people that could suffer most due to your reactionary political goals.

  • Sorry, that didn’t answer my main question at all.

    I understand what the movements goals are. I’m not interested in discussing the strategy.

    My thinking goes like this, say the movement is a major success. And she tries to call your bluff (again lack of a better phrase here) and the movement true to its word and values succeed in being the deciding vote, let’s say. What are the possible results? There’s likely more than two but the obvious groups are either she loses or she wins. My question is then what?

    She either won without the movement kinda giving them a political w and proving their power all while demoralizing folks that get invested. Or, she loses and the movement is blamed and scapegoated as the sole reason she lost and whole lot else.

    I’m wondering about what folks in this movement think will happen after the election. Are we ready for the worst-caae scenario?

  • I’ll be honest and say I don’t understand her reasoning and it baffles me

    But regardless, so she didn’t do that. Balls back in our court. Help me understand. What’s the next play? I see people saying they won’t vote for her. I and most people here can totally respect that, but it clearly seems naive and shortsighted to a lot of others at best (no disrespect to the movement), and a legit threat to all the things we’re supposedly aligned on, at worst

    The movement seems to be messaging, “do the right thing on this issue or else we won’t vote for you.” But, she’s basically “calling the bluff”. She thinks it’s all smoke or insignificant. Well, will people actually stay home? If not, what are they doing but looking weak and hypocritical? If yes, then what are they planning on doing next if she loses?

    I think we have to at least agree that these issues/actions divide us. And that means it weakens us. That means many of us are willingly weakening the movements they claim to support, or allowing our movements to be weakened. There are many ongoing movements and instead of building bridges we’re actively silo’ing ourselves and engaging in antagonist behavior towards each other. Let me know if that’s an unfair characterization - of course, I have the recent division with black folks in mind.

    To me, this is the part I struggle with the most, the seemingly sanctimonious disregard for meaningful, tangible change over support for say, real progressive legislation that gives power back to the people instead of corporations and the rich (but I see how this is my number one issue and it clearly isnt for others).

    All that said, you certainly won’t ever catch me shouting down genocide protesters or making fun of them. I think it’s noble as fuck. And that shit was one of the tackiest thing I’ve ever seen liberal voters do

    Sorry, that got long 😁 this is all so frustrating

  • No, I agree the enshitifcation is real. I guess part of that is it makes me feel crazy enough to doubt myself

    It’s like, I know the internet was for sure better before, but you know what if maybe the 10,000th seemingly unnecessary change that YouTube makes that piss me off is actually a pretty ok or even great thing and I’m all against it like boomers were with computers or how they are now with clean energy or how they are with whatever they’re cranky about any given day?

    I guess keeping in mind their goal is to squeeze us dry and profit til infinity, it’s clear these apps will just get as shitty as we’ll put up with

  • That was great! Hope it felt good

    Now, notice, I literally said we and try to relax a bit

    I’m American. Of course I’m racist. It’s kind of something you have to try not to be around here. I’m not really trying to offend you. I’m just a brown American with my own thoughts and opinions on white Americans.

    Here’s a question for you, because I appreciate that you’re responding. Would you consider an enslaved African woman living in the US in the early 1800s racist for having negative views of white Americans? What about a Chinese man that just spent tons of money to move to the US in the late 1800s but is denied equal rights and is exploited due to his race, would he be racist for his views of white Americans? Would you say Black Americans living in the early 1900s were racist (during peak KKK membership/terrorism)?

    When was it, if not OK, at least understandable for nonwhites to be “racist” and when did it become unacceptable/stop making sense?

    Finally, no, it’s not racist to talk about race. It’s actually completely fine. It’s only taboo in certain circles, like sex and politics. Acknowledging our racial background and how it makes us who we are is an important part of understanding and accepting ourselves. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being white, just like there’s nothing wrong with being a man and no one here’s saying there is