Another step closer to never using Reddit again
Unfortunately there’s still a lot of good, helpful documentation on Reddit that I wish was somewhere else. Even if I deleted my account last year I still have to rely on some Reddit posts to find solutions to certain problems.
Yep, unfortunately I still have to go to r/television on reddit to find good recommendations because the television community here is dead.
Every time you look for something on Reddit, make a post about your findings here. Don’t link the Reddit, copy/paste or make an original post. This is how communities get traction.
Genius. I’ll start doing that now every time I have to Google an obscure software issue that only reddit had the answer too.
I made a point to post here before trying a post there. Often what I’ve found is that while Reddit has a bigger userbase, the level of helpfulness is about the same. Reddit posts got more comments in total, but the number of helpful comments was about the same if not lower.
I’ll have to start posting here when I look something up on Reddit as well
Definitely. I’m chronically on here all the time so I will probably see your post and try to answer to the best of my abilities if I have something useful.
That’s what I do
Yeah I do that from time to time. Go go my local geographical community and find the hottest posts and bring them here.
Yep! I do this too!
Is it? We are talking about ! right?
Yeah. Mainly I go for the “what are you watching this week” stickied post to get an idea of what new shows might be worth trying. an Idea fore the upcoming television community
Get Stremio and browse by popular. Can also install a plugin for Trakt
Love this idea
I actually have posted here and have gotten amazing recommendations. When I was on reddit a year or two ago, that post got no comments and probably downvotes for some reason. Love the Lemmy community! is a great resource that’s not astroturfed to hell and back like Reddit is.
Edit: oh oops you mean shows not flat panels lol
So reproduce it.
This is only half serious, but reddit is usually part of LLM training Sets, so you could try your luck with ChatGPT et al.
Yeah… I don’t want to die eating something poison because some Reddit trained AI told me it was fine to eat.
Thankfully that’s not the kind of information I look for so chances of that happening are slim.
Unless you’re the type to microwave your phone to charge it on 4chan’s recommendation, I think you’re probably fine.
Just rip the bandaid off
You’re still on the steps?
I use Libredirect extension on Firefox with Redlib instances turned on. When a post doesn’t load, I switch instances. It works like 95% of the time. Enough for me to not visit reddit ever again.
I just read something about them trying to paywall some subs. That would not be a step, bit be a giant leap for a lot of people to abandon that shit hole.
I use a third party app to sometimes look for stuff I need and it was already on that 100 requests limit
“There are no plans to get rid of Old Reddit.” - reddit
Completely expected this, technically they are not removing it, just making it so shit no one would use it. Same move done by twitter when muskrat took over
The redesign doesn’t really work, it just tells you to use their horrendous app or login to see any “unverified” content. What that is only they seem to know…
Anyone still relying on reddit’s user generated data should use something like a redlib instance
“There are no plans to get rid of old reddit…”
Makes old reddit more and more user unfriendly…
“User numbers for old reddit have steadily dropped, they prefer our app or the new reddit site, so we no longer see it worthwhile to maintain old reddit. We’re shutting it down.”
Can redlib also be fkd by Reddit?
Imma be honest, the only thing I use reddit for is the porn. Things are starting to pick up over here a bit, but for a while it was almost nothing.
Basically what I’m saying is that I don’t really care what happens to Reddit anymore. I left with the exodus about a year ago and never looked back (except for the porn).
Unfortunately that “picking up” here looks to mostly be a bot that is grabbing reddit posts so it’s still mostly reddit. There really aren’t that many people on Lemmy so I wouldn’t expect to see much of that stuff made specifically to post here.
I believe it will happen. In only 1 year, this place went from ghost town to 30+ comments on most posts. Give it a few more years of people spreading the word and reddit continuing to make people go elsewhere, and it will almost be the same.
deleted by creator
I have that bot blocked. Those posts have little value here since no one seems to comment on them.
Yeah, old.reddit is good for porn. Otherwise new reddit wants you to use the app and login for porn. That’s weird as fuck. Don’t track what I’m baitin’ to.
I’m curious, never used reddit for porn. Why would you use it for porn? Just go on other websites dedicated to porn.
There’s a lot more amateur content. Places like r/gonewild have a massive amount of daily posts. Plus there’s a subreddit for pretty much every fetish you could have with communities built around them. It’s an entirely different vibe than just going to Pornhub and picking videos. And if you’re into things that are drawn, reddit is overflowing with that kind of content.
More sorted cosplay/drawn content
I use it for r/sysadmin and niche/hobby stuff still but am pretty happy that the fediverse is here: It’s only going to get better as time goes on at this point.
This is literally me with Twitter
Colour me surprised
Every time i accidentally enter new.reddit i revolt with how awful the UI is
You ever feel like that’s a personal limitation? I start feeling a bit like a boomer when I get a strong urge to resist change
That said, fuck Reddit’s admin team/corporate leaders
Personal limitation? I mean, the UI is worse. Bloated, confusing, and doesn’t look any better. It has extra ads that look both like posts and comments. Fuck that.
Beyond that, it also just runs way worse; new.reddit takes at least twice as long to load a page than old.reddit. And when your entire business model is based on exploiting my stunted attention span to trick me into reading advertisements, you can’t give me that extra two and a half seconds to realize maybe I don’t give a shit about half the garbage I just mindlessly scrolled through, or else I’m gonna just go, like, fly a kite or something. And I don’t wanna do that, where do you even get a kite?
And hell, it’s entirely possible this rate limit isn’t just restricted to old.reddit, but nobody’s noticed yet because new.reddit is too slow to make 100 requests in a measly 10 minutes.
where do you even get a kite?
I found 1 community that might be able to answer that question, but the last post on there was a year ago: !
Betcha there’d be more posts there if people actually knew where to get kites…
where do you even get a kite?
I dunno. But I know I would’ve searched best budget kite on reddit before lol.
Why won’t you do your part to maximize shareholder value?
Stop limiting your potential…
I don’t think you understood my comment. Sorry I wasn’t clearer
I wasn’t referencing the UI at all. I was specifically referring to the feeling of revulsion. I personally get that feeling whenever windows rolls out something new
I’m definitely not shilling for the new UI or all the fuckin ads, that’s for sure. lol
I see, I am sorry for argumenting then.
I too feel revulsion when a new Win update rolls out, tho.
Change is only good if it’s an improvement. New Reddit is objectively a worse experience than old Reddit. At least as far as I can tell in the brief times I’ve tried powering through just looking at it when I get there from google or something. There’s a longer delay opening shit (or at least more noticeable because it has a stupid spinning reddit logo instead of blank space or whatever old reddit does), comments are less densely packed. It inserts recommendations to other posts within the comments of the one you’re currently looking at. It’s just terrible.
It’s worst when I feel the UI has been engineered to make it harder finding the information I am looking for and/or make it slower.
I joke that I’m actively turning boomer in my ripe ol’ age of mid 20’s…
And if that means I’ll be kicking and screaming down the road of enshittification of the internet then so be it
No, I agree the enshitifcation is real. I guess part of that is it makes me feel crazy enough to doubt myself
It’s like, I know the internet was for sure better before, but you know what if maybe the 10,000th seemingly unnecessary change that YouTube makes that piss me off is actually a pretty ok or even great thing and I’m all against it like boomers were with computers or how they are now with clean energy or how they are with whatever they’re cranky about any given day?
I guess keeping in mind their goal is to squeeze us dry and profit til infinity, it’s clear these apps will just get as shitty as we’ll put up with
Maybe a little bit of both. I do feel a strong urge to resist change a lot of the time. Some times I get used to the new thing and it isn’t so bad actually, some times the more I experience the new thing I hate it more. Just keep an open mind and give the new thing an honest shot I think we’ll be ok.
Yeah, I think giving things a fair shot is big. I tend to hate everything windows rolls out with a passion but then I’ll see people that don’t care at all just using the same things I’m making a big stink about
Weeelll Windows specifically falls into the “the more I use the more I hate” camp personally. I got a brand new Win10 laptop like 5 years ago that made me made the jump to Linux and I haven’t looked back since.
For me it’s not so much that as it is the old layout being easier to work with when mostly browsing text-only subreddits. I think Reddit should be more appreciative of the things that made Reddit this big in the first place, including the design of the site at the time. It’s very much an “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” scenario
I remember a while back Reddit removed comments about Lemmy. Like if a subreddit recommended migrating to Lemmy, it would suddenly disappear.
Still happening or nah?
Instead of using Imgur, I’ve been uploading images to posts on Lemmy and then linking to those on Reddit with my comment.
Haven’t had any issues doing that.
The downside to this is, if the instance shuts down, those images won’t be available.Example of them removing a mention of a Lemmy instance:
/r/Redditalternatives mentions Lemmy a lot.
What might happen is mods removing those posts because it’s “self promotion”
mentions Reddit
Think they meant Lemmy. Not sure how they messed up that hard though.
Yes, fixed.
I can’t answer affirmatively. However, today there are numerous posts on Reddit about the fact that they are considering charging money to access certain subreddits. As you would expect, most of the top comments in those threads are not happy and there are numerous comments along the lines of “I wish there were Reddit alternatives” or asking if there are any.
I did not see any responses mentioning Lemmy or the Fediverse, and I looked for it. Now, to be clear, I did not read every comment and every reply in every one of those threads, so it’s possible Lemmy was mentioned and I simply didn’t see it. But it certainly wasn’t prominent in any of those threads at the time I checked.
Example of them removing a mention of a Lemmy instance:
Lemmy mentioned here:
Drive your users away. It’s a great idea.
They don’t give a fuck about the site longterm. They got their IPO. Now they’re after monetization at all costs to justify it to the shareholders. That the site goes to shit and falls apart in the long run is not their concern.
I’ve run into this already multiple times. It’s why I finally made the jump over here. I don’t use new Reddit and won’t. The enshitifcation of Reddit has really ramped up.
Yep, same attitude I have!
And so it ends.
Was waiting for them to do something like this for a while, since ads were way less intrusive on old.
They’re even less intrusive when you block them.
They cannot make me download their shit app, and when old.reddit dies then that’s when I stop going even my current once a month.
Just quit Reddit a few days ago and haven’t looked back. I remember when there was no viable alternative to Reddit, with all other platforms being very sparely populated, but a lot has changed since I recently got into Lemmy as there are actually people here!
After switching to Lemmy I’ve noticed I’ve been feeling a lot happier. Maybe that’s just because of how social media companies design their service to be as addicting as possible, and they do so by making you feel angry. Everything here feels much calmer and more peaceful.
I think it goes deeper than that, and that Reddit has only expanded the hidden moderation so that comments from certain users are seen over those of other users well beyond karma calculations, and that a significant part of the effort to do so is to promote the message they want or are paid for to promote. It’s not a wanton sellout, but with certain topics and in certain subreddits, it’s quite evident that they want to push and promote meme stock, crypto, and neozionist messaging, which look at that, has a close correlation to the interests of its CEO. This has pushed out comments and posts that promote it over sane discussions, which tends to erode into emotionally divisive drivel.
That’s a great point! After October 7 and Israel’s genocide, I was surprised how little attention r/Palestine got compared to r/Ukraine after Russia’s invasion. If you look at the top posts of all time on r/Palestine, the top post only has 10k upvotes and was before October 7, while the top post on r/Ukraine has nearly 200k upvotes and it was right after Russia invaded. It feels like r/Palestine is being silently censored, or I guess you could say being partially shadow-banned.
Welcome !
Thanks! 😀
like for xitter they’re so obsessed in blocking scrapers that they’re blocking also many users
To think how many free content i gave to them 🤮 (now deleted)
Beatings will continue until morale improves.
I wonder how long before they remove the commenting feature, like Digg did.
They might as well at this point. Look at the top comments in any of the main subs these days, they’re all LLM posts. Just bots having conversations with each other. Half of them you can tell because the bot author used a very minimal prompt so they’re all formatted like every basic ChatGPT response.
And those are just from the ones I can recognize from playing around a bunch with GPT. Gotta wonder how many are going completely undetected. The default subs have been absolutely ruined with bots.
I’ll take your word for it, I haven’t bothered to look back myself.
They’ll never remove it because that’s how they get AI training data.
Digg really killed themselves
09 F9
Excuse me, the MPAA would like a word with you.
Remember to welcome the new users to Lemmy!
deleted by creator
to my knowledge this limit existed already for a long time. it’s intented to prevent scraping and automatic bots. They basically want prevent people from using bots who act as a browser instead of using their API (where they can limit them) to do stuff on reddit.
They also have a automatic system detecting when too many clients access them with similar or “odd” characteristics (weird useragents, referers, amount of requests, weird headers in the request etc.) - if they detect such a case they usually limit you and then completly block you for hours, days or months. I couldn’t open reddit on my chrome app anymore because that as an example (i was developing an reddit client and they detected my useragent browser name as “too old”… so they just banned my browser while others worked fine )
If you use a VPN you will likely hit the limit, already happened to me
Guess it’s easier to scrape old Reddit. So this won’t affect normal browsing.